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Help and Information on Machine It or
Cutup.exe program.
CutUp.exe 2.23 2006 (multi language), 2.23, 2.23, 2.22 beta.
CutUp.exe for Exporting Data or cutting lists to other file
types supported by some Cnc File Readers. Script Based export
in Ascii Text formats ready for converting.
CutUp.exe (Machine It) takes simple script commands for imput that
are matched in a KitCAD drawing file to create the output script for cnc and
the like with an example of Drilling Patterns (g-code, cnc path data, etc) that can be exported at the same time.
Cutup.exe supports multi language options, and user programmable interfaces.
Cutup.exe has another part named VolEditor.exe,
and is for creating or editing another set of rules in regards to
sections, objects, drilling files, or items for sizes XYZ. KitCAD volume
scripts VOL allow Cutup.exe to alter lines in the processing
of data for output if matched to an KPD object or item while
exporting data. A Backup Batch Utility is provided on the server
and recomended for users that wish to edit or create their own
VOL files types - obackup.zip.
While the processing is Automatic the advise of Manual Editing
at this stage of data processing shoud be noted.
Error Checking, etc. Exported KPD data can then saved
with the Save button as the correct file extension like: job123.pts
Current release of cutup.exe works for a cnc beem saw software application that loads the cutup.exe created data and generates a CNC compliant file system.
I have included other conversions for examples but they may not
run correctly, or at all.
The Drilling Patterns (g-code, cnc path data, etc) supplied with the file type extension of DRI (template for cutup processing) and ASC (found after cutup processing) are demos only.
To build dri template files please use your machine provided software to generate DRI/ASC/file-code with correct tool assignments).
Change drilling file names from cabendleft.dri or cabendright.dri with the lines of Tag=cabendleft and Tag=cabendright found within the files of b cabinet.vol, f cabinet.vol, and w cabinet.vol
The default conversion used by cutup.exe is cp1.pts as follows for 1 part:
1,12,"[MATERIAL]","","","[CODE]", [WIDTH].00, [HEIGHT].00,0,2,"[NAME]","0 0","",0,0,"----","","", 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,"","","","","","",2,"",""
The value of "[EDGE]" is pre-set to a value of "0 0"; The EDGE value not supported by cutup.exe; result upon conversion as follows:
1,12,"16","","","kicker", 1000.00, 150.00,0,2,"kicker","0 0","",0,0,"----","","", 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,"","","","","","",2,"",""
NOTE : To insure VOL files are run with KP2 and KPD files open a drawing in KitCAD2,
and then save it to the c:\Program Files\Kitchen\KitCAD\machine\ subdirectory before
running Cutup.exe.
This may be reported as a bug but it allows Cutup.exe to process VOL scripts found with a KP2 or KPD file.
If KP2 and KPD files are not in the same subdirectory as the VOL files then Volume sizes are reported
in a basic item description. Another
solution is to store your VOL files with KP2 and KPD files, or have seperate directories for
each material construction type needed
Cutup.exe 2.23 (2006) config cutup.inf
The 2006 release patch for cutup is located in the KitCAD2v5.zip upgrade download.
Please note that the default script is 'cp1.pts'.
To access the config cutup.inf file:
Right click on the cutup.exe application interface and select 'Config' from the pop-up context menu.
The file of C:\Program Files\Kitchen\KitCAD\machine\cutup.inf
allowing users to insert commands for cutup.exe to follow.
NOTICE: users on systems other then Win95/98/NT/2K/XP may see NO or missing data displayed in the Command tab after processing.
The problem affects grep commands on some sytems. As a work around change the line of batchfile=cp1.bat to the following batchfile= within the config cutup.inf file; or alter the cp1.bat file as required.
Windows blue screen errors may be caused if the file is being written by batch when cutup.exe attempts a load-in, to extend the wait time ajust the batchreturn=5000 to 10 seconds with batchreturn=10000
Cnc Script Files are Stored in Two parts, as a header, and as a footer or
runner. The runner is the file that is created after running a
script called by default Text.txt as the original output.
A 3rd File is included and not used, it is a backup example
only of code and the filenames shown in the dropdown combobox on
startup of CutUp.exe depend on these filenames being present.
Drilling Scripts are copied from dri file types.
A complete example of the output for one item is kept in the
file shown within the dropdown combobox (backup example see
machine.inf below). The default filename extension is shown
which is an example. The extension of KPS is the first half of
the script. The second half of the script is located in the
extension of KPM. (Start and Middle), there is no end.
Processing the script allows the KPM or middle part of the
script to be looped until the KP2, KPD, or DAT file has reached
the end.
A file is then saved to the location in the second edit bar of
CutUp.exe, default filename is pre-set to Text.txt
A dxf conversion would be like the following text below
created from the example file named a14.dxf in both KPS
(Start) and KPM (Middle) file types. This is a simple
conversion because both KPS (Start) and KPM (Middle) would be
containing the same information.
Upon processing the text values of [DEPTH], [WIDTH], [HEIGHT]
= depth 600, width 1000, height 903 as an example setup from
KitCAD; this would replace the tags information in the output
Text.txt as programmed by the script and the KitCAD Drawing or
Object. The search and replace function is not
case sensitive as the text [Width] or [width] is processed as
the value of [WIDTH].
NOTE : The order of [WIDTH] then [HEIGHT]
is correct while the order of [HEIGHT] then [WIDTH] creates an
error; the same as with spaces or blank items in the cnc count.
These issues will be resolved. See the machine link.
Processing script names are kept in the file named
machine.inf that is loaded when CutUp.exe starts.
The files below are not used by CutUp.exe - Some Example
conversions for exporting data have been included as with a
backup system for such, and are as follows:
note: The default script for cutup.exe 2.23 2006 is cp1.pts
Does the following when processing:
cp1.pts - Start with file of cp1.kps - swap
tags found, loop file of cp1.kpm - swap tags found, and save
omp.iof - Start with file of iof.kps - swap tags found, loop
file of iof.kpm - swap tags found, and save output.
iso.iso - Start with file of iso.kps - swap tags found, loop
file of iso.kpm - swap tags found, and save output.
a14.dxf - Start with file of a14.kps - swap tags found, loop
file of a14.kpm - swap tags found, and save output.
cvs.asc - Start with file of cvs.kps - swap tags found, loop
file of cvs.kpm - swap tags found, and save output.
cvsc.casc - Start with file of cvsc.kps - swap tags found,
loop file of cvsc.kpm - swap tags found, and save
NOTE : None of the original file examples
are used in script processing, only the KPS and KPM file types
are processed. The File Processed is a KitCAD Drawing File
Info for Cnc Converters - CutUp.exe (beta 2.20b - tests)
Replace Text = with
[POS] = Line Number of Cnc Item
[COUNT] = Count of Cnc Items
[MATERIAL] = Material Description
[CODE] = Material Code, match in your database!
[WIDTH] = RealWidth
[DEPTH] = RealDepth
[HEIGHT] = RealHeight
[NAME] = Part Name
[RUN] = Process Number of Script
Additional in cutup.exe 2.23 (2006):
[HEIGHTFROM] = RealHeightFrom
[COST] = Cost
[COMMENTS] = Comments
* NOTE : Order may affect the way scripts are processed.
(fixing but note 2.23 2006 works best with cp1.pts script)..
Updated 24/5May/2003
Updated 17/4Apr/2006
ini loading for items of the name tag, scan and return script for each item found.
[0] is first item.. etc...
We need to define parts for Cutup.exe in the following items;
KPD, item, AddOns = [NAME].vol
B Cabinet = B Cabinet.vol
Bench Top = Bench Top.vol
Kicker = Kicker.vol
Base Infill = Base Infill.vol
cutup.exe 2.23 (2006)
Door = Door.vol
NULL = Null.vol
Vol file is a Text File, Ini for win32. Example only:
(Material Thickness is not used, cnc uses material names instead, im gona cheat and put 16 in there or remark the entire vol file with 0 for thickness)
tag y = x = (x + xwidth + xdepth + xheight - xheightfrom)
tag x = y = (y + ywidth + ydepth + yheight - yheightfrom)
so for example:
RealHeightFrom = 150
RealHeight = 903
RealWidth = 1000
RealDepth = 600
test y = 967.00 = (-33 + 1000 + 0 + 0 - 0)
test x = 721.00 = (-32 + 0 + 0 + 903 - 150)
Updated 02/6Jun/2003
General stuff
NOTE : Drill file name from the above example would be test.dri
and be exported to the KPD directory as test.asc. Use cp1.bat to auto-copy
the files of text.txt, and *.asc to your export directories, and run stuff...
NOTE : To insure VOL files are run with KP2 and KPD files open a drawing in KitCAD2,
and then save it to the c:\Program Files\Kitchen\KitCAD\machine\ subdirectory before
running Cutup.exe.
Cutup.exe 2.22, Cutup.exe 2.23, and above support KP2 file types.
Cutup.exe 2.23 2006 include the same support for KP2 file types; Ajust
the file config cutup.inf as described above for best results.
Any updated examples and workings on CutUp.exe script files
for times between major updates are kept at the Backup /
Advanced User Server - tools/machine subdirectory via the
Link or in the machine.exe update at www.KitchenPages.com/machine.exe
If needed, and to remove any errors or lines without manualy editing input or output scripts; a user is advised to
run a program like Grep configured
by their administrator. Administrators and Advanced Users that install the Compactor for KitCAD file types may like to add the either of the following lines to their C:\AutoExec.bat file as follows:
SET GREP=C:\Progra~1\Kitchen\KitCAD\machine\grep.exe
The line below may enable access to VOL files from out side of the directory by some programs:
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Progra~1\Kitchen\KitCAD\machine\
Other basic KitCAD2 EMF/CNC/BDE/DXF/IDE conversions methods are included, if needed.
1999-2006, all rights
Updated on the 18th of April,