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Exporting KP2 and KPD Data in a Table.

The reporting function of KitCAD is not really designed for external use. Linking of the final *.KPD files to a database via a SQL system can produce many results. The only draw back with this system is a business starting this type of programming could take years to finish a basic model. A simple reporting function that allows editing is included to reduce this type of overhead.

This application can be started from the KitCAD 2 Menu System using the Export Data button.

To create a report table in a dbase format a user must use the following command: In the view menu on the KitCAD header bar, select the option report/s, and then the sub-option of 'view report database'. This shows the reporter, which expands over the plan view.

Some ODBC systems have a message when changing ODBC drivers. Select Ok to continue the change and the reporter will continue to setup its table.

KitCAD 1.1x Reporter

While the reporter is active enter a job number and then select 'Add to report'
After selecting 'Add to report' the reporter then adds information to the table from the plan view.

Other options in the reporter include:

Simply right-clicking allows for more database options.
Editing the table information is point and click.
The ability to reset the table in the database.
Posting updates to the database for other users over a network.
The ability to edit the database table in an user-friendlier format.

Options while using other software applications include:

The ability to edit the database table or convert to another format from *.DBF
Add additional tables to the database for increased functions.

The information that is exported is useless unless you can work with it. You will need a system for creating, manufacturing, and finally constructing a kitchen. By having a limited stock pile of 540mm rips, 264mm rips, and 65mm rips your machinist can simply dock to size from largest lengths down to the smallest lengths. Off-cuts are simply re-ripped back into the stockpile.

If you need a database for your business information then please see the BDE that is attached in the KitCAD 1.18 installer. A user can access tables over networks and on local machines.
If the current KitCAD setup has been run, then in the control panel of a win o/s a user should have an iconic executable displaying the name of 'BDE Administrator'. The BDE is short name for the Borland Database Engine, which allows you to manage ODBC connections. IB (InterBase) could then be employed to link information to and from any remote databases.

Advanced users can employ methods of data use and combine databases to allow functin within other applications. These methods require some programming knowlage like SQL and ODBC for just two examples. See Borland Database Engine for more information.

Other methods for data exporting can be used, see export conversion standards for more information.

This application:
This; The application named c:\program files\kitchen\kitcad\files\kp2dbf.exe supports KitCAD 2 *.KP2 and KitCAD 1 *.KPD export or import functions for the DBF file format.

There are two other applications:
The application named c:\program files\kitchen\kitcad\files\PlanData.exe can be used to edit and post databases.
The application named c:\program files\kitchen\kitcad\files\PlanDataPRO.exe - PlanDataPRO application support TEXT output and data modification only.

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Updated on the 27th of June, 2004.

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