Conversion information for KitCAD users and Linux operating systems. This file describes use of conversion methods to allow information transfers, and was written on an Linux compatable system. Currently KitCAD will only operate on a Windows9x compliant operating system with additional software libraries installed. However using networks like Simba or other methods of data transfer the raw file data can be exchanged with users of various operating systems for use with other softwares. For information in relation to the use of raw file data and your Linux operating system please see the documents in regards to the use of other softwares, or as needed. An un-tested alpha compile of the KGraphicControl using Imprise/Borland Kylinx 3.0 on Suse Linux 7.0 is located at or For more information in regards to KitCAD, or Kitchen Pages computer software please see or Thankyou for surfing at Kitchen Pages, computer software.