Help and Information about the Ruler.exe program.
Ruler.exe 2.22.3, 2.22, 2.21, 2.20,
Ruler.exe can be started from the Main Menu System with KitCAD. The configuration files is called Ruler.dat. The Ruler.exe program processes scripts found in the Ruler.dat file to alter the sizes of KPD and DAT files for KitCAD. The Rules are made by Rule.exe and are stored in the KPR file types.
Users enter values in millimeters for width, height, and depth of the item.
Users then have a choice of scripts to run with the sizes given. Parts or whole items may be modified in this way.
A Base Cabinet rule is included, the default size of the Base Cabinet example is 1000 in width, 903 total height, and 600 overall depth of cabinet.
A Backup Batch Utility is provided on the Server for users who
whish to create their own rules for ruler. -
NOTE : KitCAD.exe (version1.9x) must be in 'Plan View' Mode, ie
not in Draw Mode. The object or item for the update will then be
able to reload in its new size as set in Ruler.exe.
Please see Help Tab in the Ruler.exe Application for a Updated
Copy of Text Below.
An Example File is Included with the update.
bc2di.kpi, bc2di.kpr, bc2di.dbf, bc2di.kpd, and bc2di.dat
The Ruler.exe program allows users to change sizes of object
files created by an KitCAD 1.1x or KitCAD 2 administrator via a
simple interface.
The results of this program are reflected within KitCAD to
show the size changes to that object - system wide and in real
time with KitCAD 2. Ruler.exe makes changes to the KPD or DAT
files to provide KitCAD with a dynamic resize option. KPR files
are generated and altered if needed by Rule.exe