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KP2xxxx.exe :
Various converters have different requirements, and generally help is included within
downloads for such converters - apart from KP2glu32.exe and Render.exe
More information about other types of conversions can be located on the File Conversion and help web page.
KP2glu32.exe Render.exe:
Currently the only conversion issue is Render.exe and KP2 file types with a bug in location. fixing..
KP2glu32.exe is not uploaded until KitCAD2x.zip is ready for realease. (next version)
Render.exe is incorporated into KitCAD.
KP2glu32.exe Conversion 1:
The script image mapping solution below is used in KitCAD 1 render.exe but not currently in kp2glu32.exe

-angle should be +angle
KP2glu32.exe Conversion 2:

KP2glu32.exe Conversion 3:

Render.exe Conversion 1: (solution to conversion bugs)

Above, NS with code of the solution used in KitCAD Render.exe. Note that the rendering and location maths were done before conversion. This has the effect of placing single objects in a GL space at the points needed to enact rotations. Each vertex/point is then rotated in the GL matrix seperate to any other vertex/point in its own space as the user rotates the screen
The code above works on having equal sized spaces of WxH to allign other objects of different sizes.
For this reason a object with the sizes of W1000xD1000 will not align with others like W1000xD600.
To prevent issues a W1000xD600 standard will be used, the 600mm in regards to benchtops.
2003-2004, all rights
Updated on the 27th of June,