Kitchen, Cabinet, Cupboard - Software Conversion Table

The table below is a short description of conversion formats used by several 3rd party software applications and the KitCAD software programs.

KPD, Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC Database/Tables
KP2/KPD, CSS, DHTML, XML, Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC Database/Tables, PDF-TXT, RPT, HMF text Hoops 1.24, OpenGL 1.2, VRML v2, X3D vrml v3, SVG v1.2
KP2, CSS, DHTML, PDF-TXT, VRML v2, X3D vrml v3, SVG v1.2
NOTE: not all formats work as desired; * denotes that a Internet Browser, or plugin is required

The table below is a short description of conversion formats used by several 3rd party software applications.

Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC Database/Tables/Reports, AutoCAD, OpenGL 1.2
Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC Database/Tables/Reports, ParaSolid, AutoCAD, OpenGL1.2
OpenHSF, HSF binary Hoops 9.0, HTML, Reports, CNC
Cut Planner
Seperated Text, CNC
Omni Cut
Seperated Text, CNC

further notes

Applications used may have tweaks, fixs, or other options - this lists some


Prints reports in landscape - edit registry setting/s (there are keys two for some versions of 'Rep??') of RepUseDef from 0 to 1. Also ensure Schema.ini file is up-to-date and has same values used in reports.
Other options are in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive under QI \Options folder. Always have ShowOldPages set to 1. xyz is something to remember for very first version. Arrange library as drawing, placeing all items on a plan and save as library to fix crashing while drawing things.
In dim lines have the formula set to formula that resolves to the value of %.0f like:
dimension_tool """%.0f""" default_dimension_tool
Other 'New' un-recomended fixes include..
section_height "0" "value(sectionheight)"
section_depth "0" "value(sectiondepth)"
sectiondepth "0" "value(sectiondepth)"
sectionheight "0" "value(sectionheight)"


Networked based systems 'must' have same library as server.
Door panels on 2 door items is 0mm in 3D, the only fix is to create a UCS and place another part there at the desired sizes.
Timber grained surfaces that need turning 90Deg before rendering should have another UCS to over-ride the affect (simmilar method to door above).
Create new UCS using wizards and then alter with notepad.exe Solid uses pre-existing formula to create parts (unlike QI) that is a pain to operate at times, use UCS system to over-ride this. MSAccess tables write with administrator pass of SOLID to view affects on raw data

Above, and Others

Use GREP.exe to remove text lines in data exports, or filter un-wanted rows from databases with SQL or other related commands.
CNC related - Do not export data to machine from generated data - Always use export program to load or import generated data for saving to the correct format for export.