The table below is a short description of conversion formats used by several 3rd party software applications and the KitCAD software programs.
KitCAD |
KPD, Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC
Database/Tables |
KitCAD2* |
KP2/KPD, CSS, DHTML, XML, Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC
Database/Tables, PDF-TXT, RPT, HMF text Hoops 1.24, OpenGL 1.2, VRML v2, X3D vrml v3, SVG v1.2 |
KitCADi3* |
KP2, CSS, DHTML, PDF-TXT, VRML v2, X3D vrml v3, SVG v1.2 |
The table below is a short description of conversion formats used by several 3rd party software applications.
QInsite |
Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC
Database/Tables/Reports, AutoCAD, OpenGL 1.2 |
CVisionSolid |
Seperated Text, CNC, OBDC
Database/Tables/Reports, ParaSolid, AutoCAD, OpenGL1.2 |
ECabinets |
OpenHSF, HSF binary Hoops 9.0, HTML, Reports, CNC |
Cut Planner |
Seperated Text, CNC |
Omni Cut |
Seperated Text, CNC |
Prints reports in landscape - edit registry setting/s (there are keys two for some versions of 'Rep??') of RepUseDef from 0 to 1.
Also ensure Schema.ini file is up-to-date and has same values used in reports.
Other options are in HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive under QI \Options folder. Always have ShowOldPages set to 1.
xyz is something to remember for very first version. Arrange library as drawing, placeing all items on a plan and save as library to fix crashing while drawing things.
In dim lines have the formula set to formula that resolves to the value of %.0f like:
dimension_tool """%.0f""" default_dimension_tool
Other 'New' un-recomended fixes include..
section_height "0" "value(sectionheight)"
section_depth "0" "value(sectiondepth)"
sectiondepth "0" "value(sectiondepth)"
sectionheight "0" "value(sectionheight)"
Networked based systems 'must' have same library as server.
Door panels on 2 door items is 0mm in 3D, the only fix is to create a UCS and place
another part there at the desired sizes.
Timber grained surfaces that need turning 90Deg before rendering should have another
UCS to over-ride the affect (simmilar method to door above).
Create new UCS using wizards and then alter with notepad.exe
Solid uses pre-existing formula to create parts (unlike QI) that is a pain to operate at times, use UCS system to over-ride this. MSAccess tables write with administrator pass of SOLID to view affects on raw data
Use GREP.exe to remove text lines in data exports, or filter un-wanted rows from databases
with SQL or other related commands.
CNC related - Do not export data to machine from generated data - Always use export program to load or import generated data for saving to the correct format for export.