Press the Back Button in your browser to go back. ************************************************************************ ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Testing and Planned Updates FIX for with patch updates below. -- UPDATE WITH ???.ZIP or selected add-on!!!-- -httpd. Added Web Server control functions via basic MSDos scripts that generate the requested media on demand. These files required some house work before being published. Some bugs still exist because of testing restrictions, so some files (aka URI request) may fail to perform required operations; and un-intended results may occur. Others were tested and do function as required without error, or less chance of error. A Browser window or other Dialog box may be displayed, while these will not cause a fault having many could result in error - the browser requests should all target one window with the exception of the 'bad' files that are listed in RED as noted in the help.bat readme. -iupdate. Noted that for local computers to use iupdate feature the administrator needs to put a HTTP server up and create an intranet that permits serves pages from the required directory (where ever it may reside). Some users may also like to try the local path's scheme of file:\\ however a Internet connection or Intranet connection maybe required. Needs a update method to check if a new version of file exists - Currently not planned but will look into an upgrade version if bandwidth is possible; the type=k like update batch fix is possible to always download a file. Added type=k update option that downloads URI to allow various KitCAD files to be downloaded upon finding commands - default is type=z to run URI given and prompt with web page. Several work-arounds exist to update files each time; Try running a batch file to delete or change path of the object item before or after running iupdate if required (also set batch file in searchreport.inf for the value of iupdate command line). see iupdate.inf for list of target directories and help... Needs better config support, as a work-around edit searchtool.inf, isearch.inf, and iupdate.inf to ajust file path settings. To disable iupdate.exe see searchreport.inf - default is enabled Noted that version checking of library system will not be enabled to conserve bandwidth, and prevent server downtime from high trafic of automated update scripts for entire library systems - suggested work arounds include mailing lists or other form of book marking to inform users of product updates! see line above on adding type=k function. Added History option to track downloaded files, by default is set to 0 to keep prompting users with isearch result selections to download the required files on demand - note that no updating is possible, see above. Added limited multi-language support and other options in lang.inf, searchtool.inf, and searchreport.inf - uses i tools use kpu lang.inf settings with their own proxy settings -isearch. Needs better config support, as a work-around edit lang.inf, searchtool.inf, isearch.inf, and searchreport.inf to ajust file settings. To disable isearch.exe see lang.inf, searchtool.inf, and searchreport.inf - default is enabled Added support with iupdate to allow users to download NEW files from the Internet or Intranet aka tcp network on demand to allow draw button to function with new object items not already on local pc (currently testing 3 solutions to find best method - final due 7 or 8/2006) Needs to allow more results - current results are fixed to 15 per page - however the burden of such upon one web server is not permitted at this time in a vain attempt to offer some protection against overload, ddsa, etc that are currently handled by network admin and other redundant processes - looking foward to possible solutions at a future date (includes increasing bandwidth past 50gb!) Added limited multi-language support and other options in lang.inf, searchtool.inf, and searchreport.inf - uses i tools use kpu lang.inf settings with their own proxy settings -searchrep*.Added multi-language support in searchreport.inf for buttons and text captions of dialog Added SearchReport.exe information button titled ? for internet search results to allow users to get more information in much the same way KitCAD i3 search results behaive. Also runs KPD files in local searchs. -searchtool.Added multi-language support in searchtool.inf for buttons and text captions of search tool dialog Added better config support to enable or disable online search settings but more could be done; To ajust with searchtool.exe interface from within KitCAD - Open KitCAD2v5, select Draw, double click next to the search button to expand the dialog, and deselect the Online checkbox before closing (saves updated settings). as a manual work-around edit lang.inf to ajust file 5???-???? settings to disable searchtool.exe function from the DRAW button - default is enabled. -oformat. FIX needed to allow users to enter new sizes and have the updated kpd/kpt/kptg/est/vrml/svg/hmf/htm files created on-the-fly saved under the new size like bc2di_{new size}w_600d_903h_0hf Needs more work on multi-language support and other options in lang.inf like current object copy, save, etc... The oformat.exe is currently only avaiable to KitCAD2v5 users - there are no plans to extend its function to the OCX or KitCAD2 builds - to enable see lang.inf 5007-foei NEEDS FIX for APPLY button to get new values loaded when user presses APPLY - example is that KGraphicControl is not CORRECTLY updated but is only refreshed! -kp2dp. Updated QUOTE and CUTUP buttons in tool tab for exe-pram-path boot command from an outdated 9x buggy version. -cutup. Added replace c/r functions for removing lines to allow "-750.00" bug to become a corrected entry of "750.00" caused by w cabinet.VOL libsys3 and cutup.exe Added fix for REPEATS being set to un-known number - caused by using KitCAD2.exe or KitCAD 2.25, etc. Problem affects quotes and cutup programs with amount of object items repeated by 2039348, etc.. see lang.inf for repeats max scan 2001-RMAX=1 ;repeats allowed 2001-0MAX=1000 ;new repeat 2001-NMAX=1 Added bdr4 cabinet.vol and corrected f cabinet.vol, full door.vol and other minor bugs - get the demo library download to install all required files for demo cutting lists. FIXED major bug with EDGE or COST commands while reading with or without vol files. The Default values are EDGE=0 0 for 0 long and 0 short sides; Default for COST=0.00 Needs fix for saving KP2 files on XP Desktop/Documents WILL cause cutup.exe to run without VOL files; A work-around is to make cutup.exe start with VOL files by saving KP2 drawings to C:\Program Files\Kitchen\KitCAD where starting cutup.exe from within kitcad2v5.exe command bar causes cutup.exe to run correctly with VOL files. FIXED an XP problem with the first grep command in the cp1.bat file (works fine in 95), and the result was no data in cutup.exe Commend tab. A work-around is to disable CLEAN but then cutup.exe does not remove lines, so best is to disable batchfile=cp1.bat in cutup.inf by altering the text to batchfile= but found best solution to alter cp1.bat as required... ADDED an option to run command lines like dos batch scripts, python, etc ADDED line removal template for single line removals - see cutup.inf for configure options on extra search/replace functions on final output FIXED several bugs in script running, and added extra keys of [COST] and [COMMENTS]. Tested to work only with cp1.pts with limited support for such demo scripts.. -clipedit2. Needs support and user interface for to config inf file for wo, fri, sink, mic, rh, dw, rh, hp graphics. Added support for to config inf file for bdr4 cabinet.bmp and full door.bmp FIXED setup installer to include bmp2jpg.exe as found within the kp2html CSS DHTML package. An updated installer is the best way of correcting this issue but as a work-aound see for the kp2html addon package for DHTML/CSS. -web-inst. Fixed INF files for most correct downloads, including a link to to replace the test of 2005. Removed FILE option for new users installing pop-up update used only with older versions 2004 of KitCAD2.24 - causing running of older pop-up functions. FIXED for XP and install.bat from showing can not find start.EXE dialog errors. In an un-modified install.bat is provided and named NTinstall.bat ... Needs prompt to prevent bug errors when running with only ZIP Viewer/s - found 16th Feb after reported (many thanks) - for more information see and install a recomended archive manager. Needs a help file included for problems, and links within each installer interface for novice users (see bug above). -code-key. Needs a real single EXE installer - update pending 2006 - most create problems for novice users on older 9x machines, Some Problems exist with users interaction with the self extractor 9x, confusion, the lack of personal ed winzip (removed the inc softpack years ago to prevent inst on me or 2k...), etc.. -kp2vrml97. Added support for kp2rotation override with key of kp2rotation_0=0 which then loads values from 0_Top and 0_Left for all other rotations. To turn off remove line or use -1111 Needs support in kp2rotation conversion for vrml2kp2, currently only kp2vrml97 is supported by kp2rotation values. Added kp2rotation placement support to match KitCAD2v5.exe plan interface placement, inf needs to include support for KP2 rotated object items. see kp2vrml97.inf for more information. NOTE: only INTEGER values for top and left are supported by this update... Added support for KP2 rotations in vrml INF files to allow rotation of cabinets in - See library below for more information on a work-around solution. NOTE: The WO and FRI inf files are manualy edited!!! FIXED bug of output being cut short (ie: FRI or WO) causes error like file://C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\test\test20.wrl(1422,2) : SFNode: bad data with text of: transform{}} or others, and early finish of kp2vrml97.exe without error; replaced Memo2 with richedit control Added fix for Some win95 4.00.95b ie5 5.50.4134.0600 users may not be able to boot HTML page at end of conversion, a work-around is to edit the WWW link to c:\progra~1\kitchen\vrml\kp2vrml97.html, or place a short-cut to kp2vrml97.html on the desktop - same problem may exist for svg, hmf, etc but not tested.. Shows dialog of: Unable to write to C:\Progra~1\Kitchen\vrml\<--KP2-vrml97-->.inf; is caused by blank or missing file= entry in KP2 file. Correct by deleting blank or empty new objects from KitCAD2 KP2 files before conversion (same kind of error is also shown with other converters like kp2svg.exe, etc). Added support for other mime file type extension conversions, default of wrl is enabled with option for x3dv found within; Retested on 9x,98,NT (NT did not boot HTML temp file) - if the current version does not suit then attempt fix with older 2005 version G named on both mirror sites. Added extra support help link in body of pre-wrl-loader web page, of Updated x3dv conversion support, and looked into x3d xml generation of files along with automated processes of xml Added extra support help link in body of pre-wrl-loader web page, of Updated INFMAKER_vrml.exe with a wizard interface to help generate common object items within INF files. Fixed KitCAD2.27 rotation value of 78 which equated to --0.78 in wrl formatted files. Fix removes '--' symbols in place of ''. Needs ?A? or several fixs for size, and pos (i3/227) used in original working. 139=900mm and not 1000mm. Problem affects placement of non-cubed objects, as a work-around add a item with the size of 1000x600; see 'issues' noted below for more help. -kp2hmf. Added support for kp2rotation override with key of kp2rotation_0=0 which then loads values from 0_Top and 0_Left for all other rotations. To turn off remove line or use -1111 Needs fix for Some win95 users may not be able to boot HTML page at end of conversion, a work-around is to edit the WWW link to c:\progra~1\kitchen\vrml\kp2vrml97.html, or place a short-cut to kp2vrml97.html on the desktop - see kp2vrml97 above for more info Added kp2rotation placement support to match KitCAD2v5.exe plan interface placement, inf needs to include support for KP2 rotated object items. see kp2vrml97.inf and kp2hmf.inf for more information or settings. NOTE: only INTEGER values for top and left are supported by this update... Shows dialog of: Unable to write to C:\Progra~1\Kitchen\hmf\<--KP2-HMF14-->.inf; is caused by blank or missing file= entry in KP2 file. Correct by deleting blank or empty new objects from KitCAD2 KP2 files before conversion (same kind of error is also shown with other converters like kp2svg.exe, etc). -kp2svg. Added support for conversion of KP2 files to VML using the library download of which is a 'hacked' version of kp2svg.exe Added support for kp2rotation override with key of kp2rotation_0=0 which then loads values from 0_Top and 0_Left for all other rotations. To turn off remove line or use -1111 Needs support in kp2rotation conversion for vrml2kp2, currently only kp2vrml97 is supported by kp2rotation values. Added kp2rotation placement support to match KitCAD2v5.exe plan interface placement, inf needs to include support for KP2 rotated object items. see kp2vrml97.inf and kp2svg.inf for more information or settings. NOTE: only INTEGER values for top and left are supported by this update... Needs fix for Some win95 users may not be able to boot HTML page at end of conversion, a work-around is to edit the WWW link to c:\progra~1\kitchen\vrml\kp2vrml97.html, or place a short-cut to kp2vrml97.html on the desktop - see kp2vrml97 above for more info Shows dialog of: Unable to write to C:\Progra~1\Kitchen\svg\<--KP2-SVG10-->.inf; is caused by blank or missing file= entry in KP2 file. Correct by deleting blank or empty new objects from KitCAD2 KP2 files before conversion (same kind of error is also shown with other converters like kp2svg.exe, etc). Added extra support help link in body of pre-wrl-loader web page, of Needs corrections and modifications for sizes and rotations in maths to align with KitCAD2.27, this is listed as a bug because the files exported were modified by a human. -KitCADi3. Re-Testing...... Added support for Silverlight WPF/e xaml to KitCADi3 KGC rendering output options. Will review need for using Active X objects like Silverlight on localhost connections at a MUCH later date. FIXED need for VML and SVG files (along with WPFE) by using KGC to generate output data. Patched search services for KitCADi3 to work with KitCADi3 KGC version and above. Updated the window FOEI for KitCADi3 KGC editing, still a work of art in progress... Added limited support for SSL secure socket layer for Ff and Ie users to file load options in KGraphicControl.js, etc - not recomended for Editing files as input is accessable on public server. UpGraded KitCADi3 alpha to KitCADi3 KGC version beta - using the KGC javascript files to create plan view 2D images. Added file open support to KitCADi3 for KP2 file types, KitCADi3 file open works even if data is enclosed within MTH or HTM files as output result that is saved by Internet Explorer 7 may result in mine type changes; use a comment or space line to prevent errors. Added WPFE support to code output as beta test for KitCAD KGC conversions Added HTML web forms II support to replace browser prompt dialogs (also prevent security problems in IE7 or other browsers) for NEW and EDIT buttons when using KGC styled user interfaces TESTING new component interface of C++ kp.bpl (converted to JavaScript) for use online within KitCADi3 interfaces - see kp.bpl.js (aka KGC) notes below for more information. FIXED bug with Index.html that affected Opera 5 browsers on using the #open uri that then caused continued refershing of the same page. href was set before script 'replace' functions, solution was to remove the replace function from being run (other bugs exist for Opera browsers) Added very basic libsys1 kp2vml support from renamed SVG example of bc2di, etc - please note that VML support is only included to work with Internet Explorer web browsers; and that SVG is newier format. FIXED bugs in updated _kitcad_3dr.js for name:rotation value splits that caused all rotations to be set to 0 Added kp2vrml97.exe scripting of kp2rotations.js and updated vrml97/*.js files to match kp2vrml97.exe; KitCADi3 does not use this feature at this time because many bugs exist in the kp2vrml97.exe scripting and kp2rotations.js file caused by KGraphicControl placement maths differances to KitCADi3 css Needs fix for vrml/x3d 3D and svg 2d output; vrml/x3d needs lots of work while svg needs sizes Needs fix for OFORMAT to change the image title value #0;bc2di_1000w_600d_903h_0hf to the user ajusted values in width and depth Added extra javascript files required to get library system to function, an example would be bc2di.js = bc2d.js, and bc2dp.js = total of 3 files for 3 object items. Needs fix or allowance for kp2vrml97 system to change location with new rotation as found with - have not tested Added kitcad2 image title over-ride for output to use #0;bc2di_1000w_600d_903h_0hf instead of i3 image width and height (will look at updating other output functions like quotes) FIXED need for _kitcad_img.js being built using EXE file - adjust scripts manualy to generate values on-the-fly by splitting the drop down selection of strings like bc_0w_0d_0h_0hf or bc2di to get user entered width and depth values. OFORMAT needs a fix to update the values entered by users. FIXED need for _kitcad_lib.js being built using EXE file - adjusted scripts manualy to generate values on-the-fly by splitting the image title of strings like #0;bc_0w_0d_0h_0hf or #0;bc2di to get user entered width and depth values. OFORMAT needs a fix to update the values entered by users. NEEDS option to frame the X3d/vrml/svg/pdf output cgi results like the splash screen option but a seperate option, included with object or embeded get download command (perhaps even search..) Added option to show splash screen with 'timer scale' for the X3d/vrml/svg/pdf/kp2/quote output pre-cgi form. The default setting is to hide the splash screen - to change use the option link on the header bar. Added a swap scripts function without loosing the current drawing, using option kp script 2.15.+.+ or the older single loader of 2.14.-.-; Please note that only 2.15.+.+ scripts are supported while the older version MAY be up-graded one day to support a limited load-all off line version... Use option link on the header bar to change settings. FIXED bug for mozilla 1.5.2 and IE showing a NAN or undefined in output scripts above version to test for 0pt and change to 0 aka 0px 0px when object item is not moved. Bug found when rendering VRML or X3D output, etc. Not tested with KP227. - This bug was not fixed for older scripts. Added support with image title values to allow sized object items in other output formats like SVG and KP2 for aka i3_mkvrmllibsys.bat to function correctly with 633 widths, etc. NEEDS 2D graphics for bc1di, wc1dp, fc1dp to be uploaded - also note adding text entries into js files for showing library object items.. Added 2D graphics for bc2dr, bc3dr, and bc5dr - also note adding text entries into js files for showing library object items.. NEEDS better icon graphics for popup dialogs for dialog vrml, x3d, svg, pdf, kp2, quote, html, etc... (not really required but would look nicer) Added bc1di, wc1dp, fc1dp, bc2dr, bc3dr, and bc5dr support to scripts. Graphics being uploaded when ready... When completed the library files will be updated to show new object items in drop down's FIXED scalling bugs in single htm file by using many htm files to get and generate data when required - changed vrml97, x3d, svg, pdf, kp2, and quote generation to use static form that then loads dynamic values and required javascript files on need. see line above for use. FIXED need for _kitcad_3dr.js being built using EXE file - adjusted scripts manualy to generate values on-the-fly by splitting the image src href string - see line above for use. Added search engine support to object item selection for toolbar and foei, using a modified Perlfect free script search with 'strong' formatting removed to provide results and links that allow javascripts to modify information on KitCADi3 pages. Added support to include long name format with saving kp2 by i3 kp227 js files to allow to operate correctly and show the same object items in both interfaces. Added support for other sized object items to match default i3_mkvrmllibsys.bat INF. A work-around is to 3d render with KitCAD2v5.exe KP2 files with kp2vrml97.exe. Needs a fix for Object Editor Apply for Left and Top PX values, ajust for pointer gap of 10px when Apply changes values. Fixed test svg jscript rotation from using the ported vrml version Corrected MIME use for X3DV formatted files, added another CGI in support and modified main scripts to suit adjustment of file format from X3D to the w3 correct extension of X3DV (classic 3.0 vrml utf-8). Also modified header.js for vrml97 scripts to include view setup for both WRL and X3DV (they look the same - almost). Updated several files and fixed main scripts with end of line remarking bugs where needed (toolbars and etc not fixed but most remarked varables dont matter as they were for stan-alown tests). Added better browser detect to _w32java.htm target for users on w98 with ie5.01, but still needs more work for other browsers... Needs img alt and title for improved kp2 object item descriptions; alt eg: BC2di_1000w_600d_0h_0hf, and BC2di_1000w_600d_903h_0hf in image tags for ALL KitCADi3 drawings!! Needs the JavaScript conversions exe's to be updated where pending for adding ALT and TITLE descriptions, like BC2di_1000w_600d_903h_0hf Look at using EMBED (mozilla5 types only) and OBJECT (mozilla4/OCX) tags in place of Img tags to show SVG or XAML images respectivly as alternate option to showing current 2D JPG's. Problems include plug-ins that have not been finished, or have script breakers with splash screens!! thx amaya, goo and moz for creating better browsers that supports OPEN SVG! Fixed css to z-index attribute in css and the zIndex property for javascripts!!!! And remove 'most' pre CSS to a ported W3C CSS version. Added several applicaitons to write JavaScript conversions from KitCAD2.27 to KitCADi3 library systems. Uploaded alpha version of KitCADi3 to web servers on background play areas. -kp2html. Updated to use KGraphicControl.js version from online that by default creates MS VML with HTML JAVASCRIPT in ACTIVE-X mode (loads from local hard drive/s) Needs placement support for rotations to be mapped correctly from a kp2 file into a html file for KitCADi3, same in reverse by using KitCADi3 to save the translated html to a kp2 file FIXED bug getting bc2di_0w_0d_0h_0hf0.jpg to correct name of bc2di0.jpg by using the kp2html.inf IMG keys and values for changes to settings as bc2di_0w_0d_0h_0hf=bc2di Added support for KitCADi3 editing using 'SAVE THIS PAGE' as template. Options support KitCADi3_foie or KitCADi3#open editing. Added img alt and title kp2 object item descriptions; alt eg: BC2di_1000w_600d_0h_0hf will default to BC2di_1000w_600d_903h_0hf in KitCADi3 Upgraded to allow users to open kp2 dhtml drawings with KitCADi3 Index.html#open function. Remarked stylesheet usr_drawing, new_drawing to show image place holders and div anchors. -KitCAD2v5. Re-Testing......... Added external OFORMAT.exe inplace of internal OFormat form with auto-reload function with the APPLY button - see oformat above for more information Needs more novice options or help to enable ISEARCH from searchtool.exe - To enable Online search perform the following steps:- Open KitCAD2v5, press DRAW, and double click in the blank area around the search button to expand the searchtool.exe dialog; Next select the Online checkbox before searching. Added basic search interface similar to KitCADi3 for blank object selection when pressing DRAW; with possible solution of additional icon in headerbar to provide search and data import functions at a later date. (suggest using comment lines in KPD or keyword updated KP2 files to find text - however even a simple text file can be used as KitCAD will always look for a KPD/DAT file when drawing) Needs fix for rapid movement of scroll bars by interface that then saves new KGraphicControl left and top values, generally -100 and hiding the top line of default top value cabinets. A work-around is to place 1 object item KGraphicControl at the far left bottom of plan - however moving the far left bottom KGraphicControl to right top will cause this very error! Needs fix for locked files as Only one KGraphicControl can be seen on screen when file is loaded, and KitCAD2v5.exe shows dialogs of 'Invalid floating point operation' which may be followed by one or more dialogs of: Access violation at address 0041E77 in module 'KITCAD2V5.EXE'. read of address FFFFFFFF. Caused by error above with IExplorer or another program locking files. A-work-around is to close KitCAD2v5.exe, and any IExplorer windows (see kp2vrml97.exe rendering over 14 object item bug listed above). Fixed FC2DP.kpd/CNRBc2di.kpd files from causing XP error; Access volation at 77F526AB in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 40004DB9. A work-around is to delete the KGraphicControl with FC2DP and save/exit drawing. Edit FC2DP.kpd and FC2DP.dat to alter the ITEMS=13 to ITEMS=7, or in CNRBc2di.kpd section NULL line Addons is incorrect or missing. Please note that does not include this FC2DP fix. Needs fix for user leaving the KitCAD interface with an open dialog (example of About|licence|alt+tab to another app = licence dialog is hidden), fix with closing of licence dialog or use ALT+TAB to restore KitCAD and the licence dialog. This bug could also affect load, save, and printing options. Corrected setup installer for InprocServer32 and LocalServer32 settings for CLSID to "", fixing downloading problems of online files by KitCAD - now using protocol stack as default method for getting files! Users having problems opening KP2 files from the web need to Download this fix after 26-2FEB-2006. See below for more information about these kind of bugs caused by a lack of support within KitCAD exe files... Needs Fix of main download site with a single download installer option (see next line); This prevents Big Bug in installer order not realised until after finishing installs and is caused by installing the 2001/2004 version over the current edition of 2005, etc; The following or simmilar text is shown within an error dialog prompt/s: KITCAD2V5.EXE file is linked to missing export KP.BPL:@KGraphicControl@SetDxdTop$qqri OR entry point @KGraphicControl@SetDxdTop$qqri could not be located in the dynamic link library KP.bpl. The bug is caused by users installing KitCAD2.25 ( that has over-written existing KitCAD2.27 ( installed files. To fix de-install and then re-install Bug in Switching windows when OFormat or NumberOf dialogs are dislpayed, returning shows a locked KitCAD with dialog in background - Use Alt+TAB to bring dialog into foreground and unlock KitCAD Corrected default.kptg files for KitCAD2.27 - see Shapes.exe readme for updated files. Updated KPU file lists, updated web sites with current downloads, and uploaded OCX version into a background play area. Updated file loadin and corrected bugs with Objects=0 commands. Added xdTop and xdLeft fix for tracking object ROTATION maths and start draw point.. default is 68x68 = 100x100 = 0deg -KitCAD2. Re-Testing.......... (version 2.# OCX only) Needs fix for rapid movement of scroll bars by interface that then saves new KGraphicControl left and top values, generally -100 and hiding the top line of default top value cabinets. A work-around is to place 1 object item KGraphicControl at the far left bottom of plan - however moving the far left bottom KGraphicControl to right top will cause this very error! NEEDS fix for REPEATS being set to un-known number. Problem affects quotes and cutup programs with amount of object items repeated by 2039348, etc.. To correct edit with KitCAD2v5.exe and set the REPEATS to 1 for each object item in the kp2 file. Fixed FC2DP.kpd/CNRBc2di.kpd causing XP error; see KitCAD2v5 for more inforamtion (above). Shows or Starts with old icons for window controls on a basic XP upgrade - no updates; same is noted for KitCAD2v5.exe when the header bar is moved to another location by the pointer the icons are updated as grey and not the XP default Missing data or file is linked to missing export KP.BPL message; Check that C:\<%WINSYSDIR%>\kp.bpl exists; The current file version for KitCAD2.exe is always installed with KitCAD2.exe (See KitCAD2v5.exe above for more information, and previous versions of KitCAD2 below for more details) Bug in Switching windows when OFormat or NumberOf dialogs are dislpayed, returning shows a locked KitCAD with dialog in background - Use Alt+TAB to bring dialog into foreground and unlock KitCAD Corrected default.kptg files for KitCAD2.27 - see Shapes.exe readme for updated files. Fixed fault in pre-loading non-blank files on drag'n drop operations -kp2glu32. Have given up attempting to render whole kp2 drawings, still good for single object items - a work-around to rendering kp2 drawings is to output WRL and then use vrml2glu32.exe found at - please note that rendering of kp2 drawings has been updated to use VRML / x3D formats with KitCAD2.27 2v5. FIXED for double-creating KP2 Objects that do not have KPT or KPTG files, and in some cases tripple objects; Now kp2glu32.exe will use the default.kptg generated templates found at C:\Program Files\Kitchen\Object\default.kptg - to over-ride all templates use default.kptg in same directory as kp2glu32.exe Corrected kptg loadin rendering bug Oct-Nov05 and tested... Corrected default.kptg files for KitCAD2.27 - see Shapes.exe readme for updated files. Using kptg files found major problems with Shapes.exe default.kptg and the GL default kpts files. Will include updated files in next update around 2006. -KPUP. Corrected small bugs with finding and storing data about downloaded files. -library/ Testing... Added auto-download method for getting new object items found by isearch.exe with iupdate.exe using search results by KitCADi3 to download missing files by getting the current library system of - See above, working on other update methods for files that are missing or found. (disabled version checking to conserve bandwidth) - Note that the library target page is like a commerical!!!!!!!! Added dos batch files for fog, blur, and sharp batch options viewing modes to ajust the vrml INF offsets from a value of 1.25 to 1.36, etc - as of is set to SHARP but should be set to FOG at 1.35 in; a work-around is to use filetool.exe to ajust text of 1.25, 1.30, and 1.35 to the required value. see files at kitchen/vrml/viewer in Added support for KP2 rotations in vrml INF files to allow rotation of cabinets. A solution is to modify the vrml INF files to wrap nodes within a single transform translation with rotation, remove item transform and rotation, and ajust sizes to suit.. note diff within to see wo2d2drp_633w_600d_2400h_0hf.inf for more information. Note: chisel warning; syntax contained: translation 0 0 0 NEEDS fix for object items that look the same on kitcad2v5.exe plan interface. A fix is to alter KGraphicControl BPL in next edit so it has option of showing baloon hints or show a box outline of some kind. Needs CNC fix for missing WALL TC Door.vol file to be included, fix with download (advanced users only) Uploaded to the library web page, an example system of 1000x600x2400x0 - other systems created errors... need fix.. see kp.bpl.. Added support and templates for BC4dr.kpd with updates to i3_mkvrmllibsys.bat files. Required files are found in the download on the web page at Fixed Fc2dp.kpd and cnrbc2di.kpd(un-tested for placement at 1000x1000 instead of 1000x600) object items from showing NTDLL.dll error dialogs, another cause noted is the lack of the Addons line in some [NULL] sections of KPD files. Wizards on XP require ajustment to START.EXE text; Error dialog is shown when using Start.exe commands. A work-around is to use START without the EXE extension, or copy the START.EXE to C:\Program Files\Kitchen\Objects\ Corrected FC2DP.kpd from causing XP error dialog - however the corrected FC2DP.kpd is only found in the upgrade. Added program to compile KPD DAT files from KP2 formats (Fixed items and rotation are not supported). Added program to alter drive letters within files, etc. -help/ Added Search function powered by free cgi perl script and began updating some titles, discriptions, and keywords. +Dec2005 A work in progress.. Updated with notes to KitCAD2v5.exe -gnu-kitcad.Added KitCADi3 related files for web browser ie5.5 shell Added original KitCAD2 and upgraded BCB4 files for KitCAD2v5 -kp.bpl.js Added a kp.bpl JavaScript conversion of BCB C++ code into KitCADi3, named KGraphicControl.js - Testing for JavaScript conversion for use in KitCADi3 to create Objects by using code from kp.bpl KGraphicControl.cpp/h - currently only supports local file systems, with http deployment planned soon at For more bug information see kp.bpl below.. -kp.bpl. Needs fix in KGraphicControl.h for public section fastcalls function (pramint) to have the same like function(pram) statement insead of 'pramint' to match the KGraphicControl.cpp file Needs check of FDimZ values in finding the largest side of widthXheight maths - perhaps FDimZ should be FDimY or FDimX? (Y is used in some systems for rl height, z depth, and x in width - need to recheck the maths for this) NEEDS FIX for placement of KGraphicControl's drawings, an example being 1000x1000 cube max = 3000x3000 aprox currently using 1000x600 setup, etc.. also avoids some pre set code that would be required for kp2vrml97, etc to run.. Needs fix for 'ntdll.dll' XP errors caused by having blank items in KPD/DAT files. Correct by altering Items=13 to Items=7, or incorrect/no Addons= line; see KitCAD2v5 for more information (above). Needs fix for dynamic link library errors required for an Upgraded component interface to function using a lessor equiped library. See error listing of KitCAD2v5.exe and KitCAD2.exe for more information on the affect/cause/fix/etc. Added read properties of DxdTop and DxdLeft -kp2dbf. FIXED edit and print buttons that run the command c:\progra~1\kitchen\kitcad\files\start.exe; a work-around solution is to search for start.exe in c:\windows\ and copy it to c:\progra~1\kitchen\kitcad\files\ (next ed of KitCAD will include a fix to run files named start.exe) -menu. Needs fix for kp2sm.exe on system menu 2.25 where Quote button on form sends EDIT1 to quote.exe -quote. NEEDS fix for REPEATS being set to un-known number - caused by using KitCAD2.exe or KitCAD 2.25, etc. Problem affects quotes and cutup programs with amount of object items repeated by 2039348, etc.. To correct edit with KitCAD2v5.exe and set the REPEATS to 1 for each object item in the kp2 file. Needs fix for start-up modes where user can select dialog on run support or no dialogs on run option to start quote.exe without prompts for OK. Next Update to kpdrup2 patch install below is : (this) Need to Add better library files.. ------------------------------------------------------------------ -Partly corrected Major Issue with KP2 files that contain more than 100 object items. A work-around is to Split the KP2 files into two or more parts to avoid such problems as 'Memo exceeded capacity' errors as shown by the older 225 version of the drawing properties dialog program kp2dp.exe, and other bugs in relation to file input/output. The C++ code affected by updates to correct this issue has remarked Memo controls that are named Memo1old, Memo2old, etc.. In place of the original control is a richedit control set to plain text with the name of Memo.. This issue affects KPRSS/RSS/XML but also prevented older versions of SVG/HMF/VRML/DMF/DXF/QI/i3HTML/i3JS converters from saving a completed file, and upon rendering a 3rd party interface then showed errors relating to input file un-finished command/s. -Corrected Minor Issue in removing KitCAD2F and KitCAD2v5 InstallShield setups using Add/Remove Programs which allows the uninstalling of two files required for removing all files - _isreg32.dll, and _deisreg.isr -Corrected MAJOR issue with on the 6th July 2005 that allowed files NOT to be updated - fixed by using GhostInstaller with option set to Update files found in %ProgramFiles%. Corrects issues of 'its not working'... -MINOR Issue with some Web Browsers linking to KP2 file types and downloading them online; passing the result is extra params on command line. KitCAD2.exe on boot may attempt to open files with the name of "-Embedding", "-Embedding.Kp2", etc resulting in a add to drawing KPD dialog; And a blank KitCAD2.exe. Closing the form results in the second param being phrased by the exe and showing the correct file in KitCAD2.exe. No work-around has been found, will have to modified exe to prevent loading on finding no file like the above only! leaving normal blank startups when needed... Another work-around exists by deleting the registry entries that prompt such errors in the first place :-) (THIS BUG IS IN THE SETUP - FIX by download and installing after 2-2006) Or manualy Remove the application interface for both InprocServer32 and LocalServer32, example below: Search for keys like {BDC75F00-714C-11D4-A28A-40BD04C10008}\InprocServer32 and {BDC75F00-714C-11D4-A28A-40BD04C10008}\LocalServer32 by using F3 and registry editor (regedit.exe) On finding each key (x5) Set the (Default) String to a Value of nothing: example; "c:\Progra~1\Kitchen\KitCAD\KitCAD2v5.exe" to "". -Getting to be too many downloads for installing KitCAD2 for novice and advanced users. So Have created and testing a runimage of around 20Mb compressed at 4:1 + 6meg with all default download and install options, including KP2VRML support and other required system drivers. Should be uploaded after testing is completed in ??June/July 2005?? with corrections to basic objects item libraries for drawing kitchen floor plan designs... See for quick install guide! -Issues with placement maths for KitCAD2 with 3D or 2D rendering systems in that some issues exist but can be worked upon to produce a result that does match the plan view drawing of KP2 file types. However not all converters for external rendering will produce the same results - some editing is required. Added fix above for getting rotation adustments for 2.27 kp.bpl; see KP2 file, xdTop and xdLeft A workaround for most issues is to set the KP2 file type sizes to large blocks as an example 1000 x 600 x 903. This simply means that smaller items will be placed on the screen in the same locations to match 1000 x 600 x 903. The area covered allows the user to pick up the object-item on screen and affects rendering placement maths when converted to other file formats, like WRL, SVG, OpenGL, etc.. KitCAD2 KP2 file sizes need not be correct when detailing for external rendering, but cutup.exe and kitcad1 kpd do require correct sizes to be entered by default. Do NOT run ruler kitcad2 option with enlarged block sizes. More information: See XP/ME/NT OR PROGRAM CRASHES ON STARTUP!!! users may have the KP.bpl version 1/2 installed in the windows system directory instead of the required version of KP.bpl 2.26 or above!!! To correct this ensure the KP.bpl version 2.2# is installed to the windows system subdirectory. Some programs include the 2.26 BPL in code but others will and do fail to start if older version of BPL exists. A work-around to manualy updating kp.bpl is to download and run a updated setup.exe at:- -No Issue - But listed.. Missing dynamic link library entry @@SetDxTop in Kp.bpl error prompt - This is caused by incorrect install of KP.bpl file into c:\windows\ - Suggested fix by deleting all files named kp.bpl in c:\windows and c:\windows\system (or your windows paths, winnt, system32, etc) and then re-install most up-to-date and current download of KitCAD 2.27 v5a -Minor issue with the EXE versions of zip files and the RUN button with a prompt shown asking the user to supply the correct winzip version - In this case Winzip95 personal Ed (no longer provided by winzip). A fix is to use the UN-ZIP button only. The Un-Zip button will install files to their correct locations on the drive required - Default of "C:\" More information: See -Minor issues are Always a problem is that not enough help is provided for 'users' along with better language supports, etc. -Minor issue with the lack of A full example of a library system for 'design uers' needs to be included in installs for both renderings and exporting uses. Updated -> See at -Major issue in deployment technology and use on unknown operating systems; Continue use of .net technology for Advanced application testing. Need to update current ocx file as to allow for no start prompt but the actual plan interface ready for use. A netscape plugin is required for some users to run ocx in their browsers. Listed here because its +10Mb depending on web browser, system config, etc in extra downloads to provide full support - making it too expensive to deploy full scale with my current programming :( and KitCAD2F and updates are still required for the ActiveX to function correctly. A work-around is to view using the Backup Advanced Server..(a dialup server) where space is of no consern but server may also be off-line sometimes. A second work-around is to use KitCAD i3.. -Minor Issue is that All measurements are in milimeters but some conversion can be performed directly using other software or by altering KPD files to suit, see the library example online. -Minor Issue of rotations shown to users are by Degree. KP2 file rotations are however based on a maths sum that may vary from computer to computer. -CORRECTED MINOR Issues with finding Un-Install programs for Add-ons of kp2vrml97.exe or kp2svg.exe; Older 2004 versions of KP2vrml97 and KP2sgv setup keys were marked as 'Version 1.0' through to 'Version 1.10' in Add/Remove Programs within the Windows Control Panel. To Un-Install either setups use links as described above. A second solution is to delete folders and use a 3rd party tool to fix uninstall section of windows control panel to show changes. -CORRECTED MINOR Issues with Cutup.exe in relation to user interaction and processing times. Added a FAST option to cutup.exe that allow some issues to be resolved! -CORRECTED MINOR Issues with kpu.exe, kpup.exe, and kpsm.exe or some add-ons in relation to user interaction and shell links to external programs. No possible work-arounds at this time but looking at modifications to c++ that allow these issues to be resolved. See [link issue 001] notes below. The systems affected are windows95 4.00.950a Suggest upgrade your os to CD (version B of win95), or other tweaks from older explorer.exe installed on non-ie4.0 compatable browsers. A fix for this problem is to install InternetExplorer 4.0, full version with web desktop management enabled - this adds support for address bar URI to the windows file boot extensions. This means un-installing updated versions and rebuilding from ie4.0 to current versions. -CORRECTED MINOR Issue with KitCAD2.exe drop-down not showing new kitcad1 object items; A work-around is to perform the following. The some updates like installs support for KitCAD1, to enable the same in KitCAD2 users need to copy the Kitcad.dat file. Users can open KitCAD1 KPD object items (recomended for 3d) and DAT files from KitCAD2.exe by the Open button and navigating to the objects subdirectory. or perform the following; START | RUN | xcopy.exe c:\progra~1\kitchen\objects\links\kitcad.dat c:\progra~1\kitchen\kitcad\*.* in reverse, to copy the KitCAD2 drop-down list to KitCAD1 perform the following: START | RUN | xcopy.exe c:\progra~1\kitchen\kitcad\kitcad.dat c:\progra~1\kitchen\objects\links\*.* -CORRECTED MINOR Issues with KitCAD2.exe in rendering texture with kp2glu32.exe; or Grey/Green renderings in texture modes. A work-around is to use KPD instead of DAT file extensions in KP2 file types. See -MINOR Issue in kp2glu32.exe on rendering 3D GL texture colour and user drags screen. Access violation at address 69540F57 in module 'NVOPENGL.dll'. Read of address F5F06898. See; and ensure use of KPD files with a correct BMP= line. -MINOR Issue found in swapping from 256 to 16bit colours with 3D GL, etc.. not sure what happened there, but will test on other systems to make sure this is an actual bug of some kind. Objects are drawn but distorted into large cubes, in one instance no objects are drawn. A workaround is to exit and restart the GL interface. -MINOR Issue in Kp.bpl/KitCAD2.exe when user moves a object (current ed) with the left mouse button down. upon release of the left mouse button the object can still be moved. (up-grade your windows system with ie4.0 to fix) A work-around, and to fix the object in its current position on the plan view simply right click and then left click back in the plan view. -CORRECTED MINOR Issue opening Blank file prompt for new item, and with Read Errors being shown for KitCAD2v5.exe due to no Object item for creating display. To exit application use Alt+Crtl+Del and terminate KitCAD. A work-around, and to fix create a working kp2 file in the Windows Templates subdirectory and adjust registry event entries. Or edit the file and add the following lines; [KitCAD2] Objects=1 -HINT for conversions, the words of keeping it simple come to mind. An example is rotation, as found when moving from KPD to KP2 file formats the maths support for each conversion in placement works out to be x6 for fixed rotations within objects, etc. A work-around for these problems is DO NOT USE advanced options for KPD and KP2, like ROTATION, etc. Removing KP2 and KPD rotation shortens the amount of possible errors in conversion to other formats to x2 or x4 (including heights or z) As an example: If you include KPD rotations then the amount of possible errors blows out to x4+x9=x13 error dialogs for each item of a KPD file when a KP2 is converted to another file format! As a note: Many of the conversion target file formats have functions that allow users to add many files together! (or in some cases, over-lay) ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Testing and Planned Updates FIX for or with patch updates below. -- UPDATE WITH KPDRUP2.ZIP or selected add-on!!!-- -clipedit2. Fixed wall and floor bitmaps from loading up incorrectly with the wall as a floor, etc Updated browser - could have better URI file support ICONS (config, download, help) ajusted for IE4.0 to boot browsers (no path, value, etc). Noted as Minor Issue above [link issue 001]. Updated double click and options for better use of interface, and included install setup fo c:\ added support for jpeg conversions from bmp file types using bmp2jpg.exe -kp2vrml97. Updated browser - could have better URI file support ICONS (config, download, help) ajusted for IE4.0 to boot browsers (no path, value, etc). Noted as Minor Issue above [link issue 001]. Added better support for rotations, see BC2DI.inf for new key and values; transform_rr, and transform_rotation is expressed as radians of 0.0 to 6.28, and 0 to 628, defaults are 0, 0. Added better INF files for supporting and included support for KitCAD i3 with height values of 0mm. Added better math for placement, using: top / 1.35, and: left / 1.35, no current fix is planned. A work-around is to manualy place kp2 object-items on plan-view to suit rendering requirements, save with a new file name.. A kp2 plan-view and a kp2 3D view.. Added support for Xj3D file formats with extra zip archive, default is to use VRML97 (VRML verion 2 UFT-8) as more applications include WRL file support. -kp2svg. Updated browser - could have better URI file support ICONS (config, download, help) ajusted for IE4.0 to boot browsers (no path, value, etc). Noted as Minor Issue above [link issue 001]. Needs better math for placement, no current fix is planned. A work-around is to manualy place kp2 object-items on plan-view to suit rendering requirements, save with a new file name.. -kp2html. Needs automatic adjustment for kp2 file placement, no current fix is planned. A work-around is to manualy place kp2 object-items on plan-view to suit rendering requirements and then adjust using KitCAD i3, save CSS changes for use with html2kp2.exe.. Added rotation support in transform blocks -kp2glu32. Needs a better math sum system to allow users option of entering own shapes! removal old ATPosX styles for uniform style (keeping old style support) and addition of more functions, etc... NEEDS current texture mode copied after fix for a better bitmap mapping adjustment to allow rending of full bitmaps sized to fit doors, etc.. (fix) NEEDed for a template for shapes. Running in a loop depending on script string lengths. See KP.bpl below... (fix) NEEDed for an option for showing simple shapes like a sphere, triangle, etc. see KP.bpl below... (minor bug) can not render paths with ../.. in the ini file key of KP2 file types. Found testing xml conversions. (find - minor fix) found out of memory call bug in rendering texture colour and swapping back to lines on key stroke. To prevent dialogs exit texture preview before errors and after rendering texture. if a dialog persists use alt+ctrl+del and select kp2glu32 to end task; if needed. Tested on WinME 4.90 with a minor rendering bug in texture as above, more testing is needed. (fix) is needed for 45deg rotation maths, solution or work-around is for users to alter plan to suit renderings using left and top values. (fix) is needed for rotations in KPD files not being rendered correctly; a work-around is to draw only basic shapes without doors and infills. NEEDS limited support for loadup of KPD files for KitCAD1 users, a work-around is listed above/below. updated kp2glu32 to use render.exe multi language support. -render. not due for Re-Testing.......... (minor bug - suspected but not tested) as above with render paths with ../.. in the ini file key of KP2 file types. Fixed texture rendering bug, moved colour infront of mapping. Added localisation settings (multi language support) Added 256 color rendering and bitmaps Fix for colour bug - workaround1 is to have infill bitmap the same colour as the door bitmap, etc.. infills are drawn first! workaround2 is to have previous object/item the same colour as to make the new object the same colour! Needs GL printer option fixed! Added a fix for KitCCAD2 KP2 file save, if saved as a KP2 and not re-opened the render.exe shows an error dialog with a KPD file extension. KitCAD2 will have to be able to have 5/6/18 sided objects, etc, or shapes. (and upgrade of render.exe) Added another if statement to prevent winME blue screen stopper in render.exe in fix.. -KitCAD2. Added support for rendering using VRML97 and SVG - however users still need to download the extra addon's required for such options to work correctly. Added support for loading KPD object items before attempt of DAT file for DRAW related functions. Corrects problems novice users had with rendering green cubes instead of texture. Added support in Object Editor for Degree Rotations. When dialog is shown the KP2 rotation is converted, upon closing the value is then converted back into a KP2 rotation. Fixed Plan View printing option to stop error dialog of bad form focus message. Added a option in object editor for shapes editing dialog to be displayed. (fix) GL Render button in TRender dialog is disabled due to pop-up option being deselected which causes setting to default with a non-gl view - as in nothing happens. fixed NEED for a template for shapes. KitCAD2 will automaticly update. See KP.bpl below... (fix) NEEDS a template size added to kp2 file types for editing dialog, allowing dynamic resize from static files without running ruler.exe to resize. See KP.bpl below... NEEDS an option to set rendering defaults like choice of render.exe or kp2glu32.exe NEEDS a WHITESPACE option for rendering KPD files with WHITESPACE to match DAT files with no whitespace gaps. Ie, 0x0 renders ok while 100x100 gap causes a mis-alignment. This is not a bug but could prove a problem. Added conversion button for degrees into radians for rotation maths in editor, needs an update - used KitCAD1 conversion. Removed the new button from novice users, and view button from operation. Changed save and load caused view button to fail. FIXED save and load bugs to prompt user to save files. Added Dcom and command line parameter loadup of file. Moved Clear button ontop of New to prevent novice users creating new objects. Added localisation settings (multi language support) NEEDS Update to 5 sided object/items. FIXED a Check for empty filename on rendering plan view, The Plan View must be saved and re-opened before any plan render. (see render fix) Needs a check for Mouse Up on KPGraphicControls for some computers. Bug is Objects can not be set-down or placed on plan because mouse moves object when its not selected. NOTE KitCAD2 will have to be able to have 5/6/18 sided objects, etc, or shapes. (and upgrade of render.exe) -KitCAD1.9. NEEDS copyright and web address information updated to 2004. -quote. Added a framed web report option and web link supports to reports for better automation of descriptions. Added a TEXT PDF format to reports. Added Dcom and command line parameter loadup of file. Updated for KP2 files to create very basic estimates only. -ruler. Needs log file option turned off. File is named Ruler.log -compact. Needs log file deleted when finished.. File is named Null NEEDS GREP.EXE path not found error fixed... -menu. Added right click options, updated graphic on KP2 button, fixed KitCAD2.exe startup bug, and added kp2dp.exe support. Updated browser - could have better URI file support ICONS (config, download, help) ajusted for IE3.0 to boot browsers (no path, value, etc). Noted as Minor Issue above [link issue 001]. Updated for quotes, and fixed missing inf bug. Fixed inf loading and directory bugs. Fixed file names from URL to UNC types. -KPU. Updated browser - could have better URI file support ajusted for IE3.0 to boot browsers (no path, value, etc). Noted as Minor Issue above [link issue 001]. Added option for downloading addons and plugins named kpup.exe Added localisation settings (multi language support) Fixed minor bug in kp2 file save. -KPUP. Updated browser - could have better URI file support ajusted for IE3.0 to boot browsers (no path, value, etc). Noted as Minor Issue above [link issue 001]. NEEDS an option to copy URI in dropdown combo into clipboard for easy reuse in other applications. Modified from KPU.exe to allow addon and plugin downloads with option to check web using kpu.exe Created using the same LANG.INF settings as KPU.exe -cutup. ADDED an option to hide Tmemo in processing named Fast/Quicken NEEDS a command line support for loading and saving in correct directory before processing file NEEDS a command line processing support option - use drawings properties dialog addon for workaround! Added localisation settings (multi language support) Fixed minor bug in file loadin. Fixed minor bug for DXF conversion in KPS and KPM files. -library/ Updated and ajusted image alt to comply with 508. Added limited support for shapes using default templates. Added fix for alignment rendering bugs found in wc2dp, changed depth to 600 Added fix for rendering bugs found in cndbc2di, changed depth to 600 Added 256 color bitmaps Added two wizards to help create user systems. (see web help) Added fix for 1st item bugs found in wc2di Added support for non-metric uses (imperial support) in -help/ Added a Scada support page, needs work! Added a c++ developers support page, needs work! Added Plug-Ins support download pages - kpup.exe Updated and ajusted image alt to comply with 508. Added menu option in JavaScript of a BACK link for all web pages. Updated Configure web page for shapes, quote, conversions. Added Shapes.exe web page, needs work! Added Quote.exe web page, needs work! Added Conversion web page and completed. Added Wizards web page, needs work! Added Configure web page and completed. Finished KP2GLU32.exe web page Updated Previous Online Web Pages to comply with html3.2 -gnu-kitcad.Added KitCAD1 and KitCAD2 BPG files for Borland Builder PRO 4.2 Added KitCAD2 BPR files for Borland Builder 5 and 6. Added a dos makefile.bat for CPP32 builds. Added code for scada hmi, and updated all files. Added code for shapes, and updated all files. Added code for quote, and wizards. Updated when kitcad2.exe is stable.. -kp.bpl. Needs a better math sum system to allow users option of entering own shapes! removal old Fmovex styles for uniform style (keeping old style support) and addition of more functions, etc... Added a template for shapes similar to loading of KPD files using KPT files. Running in a loop depending on script string lengths to allow users to define new complex shapes by having multiple sides, like 5, or choice of line stile, curve, etc.. needs a template size added to kp2 file types for editing dialog, allowing dynamic resize from static files without running ruler.exe to resize. needs a fix for arc and an option to show other simple shapes, not pending. -shapes. Added and Released shapes wizard to complile KPT/KPTG files from KPTI shape templates. Remarked and wrote code for complex read and write for kpt file types. Fixed minor bug in default.kpt in lines 77 and 78. Another bug like this was detected but not yet found - not tested!!! Added code for complex read and write for kptg file types. Added code for basic shape read of storage Added code for kp.bpl shape write Next Update to 2.25 full install below is : (this) Update interface and install needs more work to automate upgrades, and KitCAD library files. Add better library files.. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Uploaded a new Full Install named for new users. Version 2.25 - 21st Oct 2003. Uploaded a new Full Install named for new users. Version 2.25 - 27st Oct 2003. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Bug Testing and Planned Updates or FIX to setups b4 upload on 15th Oct 2003. -KitCAD1.9 Re-Testing.......... Added OpenGL rendering options to KitCAD save file for 3D Tested for more information Updated Render.exe to Fix files for KitCAD 2, adding the bmpfile key. Added OPTION in file bar, also Ruler.exe in Plan View, etc. Un-remarked code allowing for EXT objects to be seen again. -Render. Added OpenGL rendering option and tested with previews.kpd Added load-in of bmpfile tag before auto-save addin. Added bmpfile tag to key saves, making rendering faster in both KitCAD1, and KitCAD2 Un-remarked code allowing for EXT objects to be seen again. -KitCAD2. Added support for OpenGL renderings using KP2glu32.exe, GL Render button in TRender dialog. Corrected directory and file launch for KitCAD2, KP2glu32, and KP2dbf Fixed directory and file loading support with 3 path options! Added support for Ruler.exe and tested, and tested.. Fixed out of memory error by changing horzontal bar to -328/+328 and not 0/+400. was also getting 'Bitmap is not' win16 error dialog?!? Testing OCX provided the following fixs, no update uploaded to net yet: Fixed - see above - Cant rotate objects without creating an error in modes 3, or 4. out of memory and bitmap is not dialogs... Fixed Repeats=0 to Repeats=1 for BDE imported object files. -A workaround is to edit the object and set the Repeats value to 1 or more, then save the file. An error occurred while attempting to initialize the Borland Database Engine (error $2109) -Fixed by ReInstall BDE using KitCAD install file 1, 1.18 - then reload ALL current releases. Dialog is displayed on Rendering with the message 'Out of system resources' or the like.. -Fixed by Selecting Rendering Mode 0, 1, or 2... Modes 3 and 4 will cause this error x 2 each time.. (something to fix). -Something in the Loading Bitmap files seems to be the error above ?!? Canvas Image error, etc.. IEXPLORE caused an invalid page fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 014f:bff9a3c0. -Fixed by ReInstall of OCX using current cab files. Testing EXE for more information.... ........ uploaded 10Sept2003 Started making KitCAD2.exe Help Files.. FIXED 9999999 objects to 1,000,000 - having too many caused 16Meg machines to display dialog in regards to no memory for rendering. Testing for more information.... ........ Beta Testing KP2 Rendering, didnt test KP2 rendering fix! FIXed clear button - removes KPD or KP2 drawings. FIXed rendering only works after user clicks open, and then render. (FIX) Printing only takes form size, needs to get whole drawing and 3d!! Added another rendering option for Drawings not objects (still working...) Added a print option for 3D views.. Enabled Colour loading from Bitmap files. 8x8 patterns... FIXED option to have form's printed using a PRINT BUTTON.. Enabled objects or items to be selected from library, using kpsm path or direct path. FIXed and updated (C) and address information within the GNU licenance dialog. Added file save and open of KP2 file types. Tested KP2 file types. 100 | 2000 or 1 | 20 compression. 128 x 20 = 2560 objects. Uploaded OCX & EXE on 26th, & 28th August 2003 at (FIX) needs FULL support for new options in bpl file from rule.exe (FIX) NEEDS 3D completed and EXT objects in Editor!!!! (FIX) and display 3D object as the plan object is drawn.. ie from center.. -ruler. Added support for KitCAD2.exe to run ruler.exe with command line arguements. checked to see if only doing one else statement checked to see what =0 does FIXED so user can create new KPD files as required, using pre-set KPI and KPR files. -rule. has bug, where a command was and user enters 0 - the old command is not deleted! workaround for above is to use 00 instead of 0 and remove using ruler.exe when editing the rule. 00 is the same as 0. workaround for above is to manualy edit the file USING THE KPI TAB, or replace the formula if possible. needs to delete keys with 0 from the KPI and KPR files. FIXED removed 0 from eval by deleting KPI entries with "". Updated installer with a basic base Cnr for GL views in block. Updated base, wall, full cabinet kpd and dat files for Bitmap colour loading. needs testing and additional objects added like base 300, base 400, etc -menu. Added option 11 for KP2DBF.exe and exporting KP2 types to database formats. Revamped the diaplay to be more user friendly looking. FIXED option to select screen size 800x600 or 640x480 - scamped out.. simple dialog added! FIXED _ on buttons for keyboard Alt+key use FIXED c:\ added to run commands as ../../ seems to show a C:\ dialog when run from KitCAD 1.9. -cutup. Added support for KP2 file types, and cutting list Repeats of Objects. Added support for file copy. (FIX) and find - has bug, runs 1 loop too many save button may/is not visible to 640x480 users, see below! FIXED to fit in a smaller screen, or have an option too!!! (FIX) need to check if it runs 1 command or all!!! (re-check loops, etc) -VolEditor. FIXED and Corrected visual look for maths so it made more sense.. -KP2Dbf. Corrected file launch command.. Added support for exporting KP2 file types to Database format. -KPU. Added Proxy Server support. -kp2glu32 Fixed need for Colour corrections, better view angles. Added support for rotation of KP2 files only, not corrected! rotaions supported are 0, 113,313,465 Added support for KP2 file types Added image script support for rotation issue below Noted that DAT syntax is supported byt KPD files are not due to rotation issue Added support for KPD file types -gnu-kitcad. Added code for kp2glu, and kp2dbf Added code for ruler, rule, vol, and menu?... updated when kitcad2.exe is stable.. ------------------------------------------------------------------ User Test Information found: The system currently needs an application to aid in object or item design at a basic level using a GUI interface. The only other methods are to design using KitCAD 1.x or via scripts and the KitCAD 2 ruler.exe interface. KitCAD1 is being used to design basic layouts, objects, and designs, etc at 128 Objects or Items in each KPD file. - KitCAD1 supports OpenGL renderings and output via KPx file types. KitCAD2 - allows current KPD/DAT designs to be larger, with more Objects and Items. 1,000,000 Objects - not including Items within each Object. - allows allow designs of corner objects. - 1/20 compression of data within KP2 file types compaired with KPD file types. - Support for KP2 file types and KPD file types, or both combined. - re-uses native Windows 95 features and controls. - re-uses Windows file systems to run from memory via components. - simple component management build in, with object name and number. - formula control of files, objects, or items. - database ready for mixing with other design applications. (copy scripts coming soon) - inbuild database management style of data management from KPD files. - open KPD file types directly into KitCAD2 as objects. - import DBF information directly into KitCAD2 as objects. - improved networking performance. - Supports User Editing with 100% User friendly base files, ascii and bitmap formats. - Supports Older Systems on 16Meg of Ram, etc.. - Supports 640 x 480 screen sizes, and larger.. - Supports 8x8 Bitmapped file types for Texture Rendering. - Supports Industry Standards for 3D Renderings using OpenGL. - Supports Industry Standards for 2D or 3D Renderings using a Web Browser interface. - Supports Part Drilling file copy-over. - Able to create Repeated parts, as in 5x5 of an object and show 1 as 5 = 5 in total. or 2 with 5 each = 10, and show 5 objects, totals 50, etc - Supports Repeated Parts so 1 visible Item can be worth 2 or more on cutting lists. - faster file management, uses internal OS data management systems. - works faster, and with much less information. - Supports over 400 objects per file, a possible of 51200 KPD Objects per KP2 file. - expanded data export interfaces for formula to objects and parts. - Supports multi language configerations and user programmable interfaces. - Supports DCom and command line parameters - Supports User configerable Templates for drawing Shapes. ------------------------------------------------------------------