PHP Pear Image 3D objects: 6 lights: 2 polygones: 72 points: 48 time: 0.3808 s
+rx | +ry | +rz

0x0 (left) was made using numbers generated from KitCAD i3 WRL/X3DV converter that are then drawn on a ZBuffer to reduce any rendering fill gaps..
2x1 (right) was made using the above and a basic php wrl reader to automate things a bit as found from within KitCAD i3.

$BASEKicker1 = $world->createObject('cube', array(135, 10, 71));
$BASEKicker1->setColor(new Image_3D_Color(1, 1, 254));
$BASEKicker1->transform($world->createMatrix('Move', array( 0,50,5) ));

$BASECabinet4 = $world->createObject('cube', array(135, 92, 78));
$BASECabinet4->setColor(new Image_3D_Color(1, 254, 1));
$BASECabinet4->transform($world->createMatrix('Move', array( 0,0,2) ));

$benchtop9 = $world->createObject('cube', array(135, 4, 81));
$benchtop9->setColor(new Image_3D_Color(254, 1, 1));
$benchtop9->transform($world->createMatrix('Move', array( 0,-48,0) ));