Text Label support

The Javascript commands of rXtexts='#'; and rXtextShow('id'); As example will display text of #0 for the Object Item with ID of 0, if that Object Item is active.


Function rXtextShowrXtextShow(thetexts,thetextr,xlowestrange,xhighestrange,xsteprange,headtext,foottext,thestylex,knameTEXTc,knameTEXTi,woffsetx,hoffsetx)

Function rXtextHide(xlowestrange,xhighestrange,xsteprange,knameTEXTi)

The values below are used to supply the rXdocumentinsert helper function, enabled by default with the following values:
rXdocumentinsertEnabled=true;,rXdocumentinsertremoveEnabled=true;,and rXdocumentinsertAlways=false;

thetexts - String, default is an empty String which defaults to being name when no value is supplied. *
thetextr - String, default is an empty String, used to over-ride headtext, foottext, and counted loop values
xlowestrange - Integer, default is value of 0 for loop counter, counted value is appended after element ID value
xhighestrange - Integer, default is value of KGCRPCLAJAX (a number of 50)
xsteprange - Integer, default is value of 1, steps to stip when counting loops
headtext - String, default is an empty String, used to insert text before any returned value of thetexts
foottext - String, default is an empty String, used to insert text after any returned value of thetexts
thestylex - String, default is an empty String, used to insert CSS style text for each text element as an attribute
knameTEXTc - String, default is an empty String that defaults to knameTEXT, used to apply CSS Class stylesheet to text element
knameTEXTi - String, default is an empty String that defaults to knameTEXT and is appended by the counted loop value, used to apply CSS ID stylesheet to text element
woffsetx - Integer, default is value of 30, Width off-set in pixels from center
hoffsetx - Integer, default is value of 20, Height off-set in pixels from center

* Denotes: Valid strings are any of the single keywords: id, name, File, Top, Left, Rotation, Width, Depth, Height, HeightFrom, Repeats


KitCAD i3 KGC rX help - link

NOTE/S: Releases of KitCAD i3 KGC rX after 1st June 2016 support the plan-view displaying of Object Item Text Labels