Files are written by Jason Robinson in JavaScript for KitCAD i3 Rendering. Feel free to add extra files to this subdirectory. Copyright 2010-2011-2012 as written by Jason Robinson for KitCAD i3 - Please feel free to copy as long that this notice stays intact, and unchanged. Note your modifictaions. Include a link/notice on modified versions back to KitCAD i3 original at Providing that you have done the above or some of; then feel free to use, however I reserve the right to change at any time, and without notice NOTICE: PLEASE DO NOT PORT THIS DIRECTLY FROM ORIGINAL SITE/S, AND DO NOT LOAD GRAPHICS FROM ORIGINAL SITE/S seek written permission for reuse first before any such reuse This converter-translator is a re-write of the VRML97 converter. During processing of VRML97 output, a parrell X3D XHTML output is generated. At the end of processing of output the X3D output will be displayed. The final X3D XHTML server generated output may include links to a CSS and JAVASCRIPT files; that can be found at: 2004-2007 (standalown - no user) USING GOT.CGI (no user) USING GOT.CGI (Authorised user) //for KPi3 to VRML97 converted into X3Dom writeln(vrml97_header("1"));convertx3dom_header(); writeln(vrml97_bc2di(0,"1",0,0,0,0,94,0,0,mygraphicsurl));convertx3dom_item(); writeln(vrml97_bc4dr(1,"1",0,0,0,0,94,0,0,mygraphicsurl));convertx3dom_item(); writeln(vrml97_cnrbc2di(2,"1",0,0,0,0,94,0,0,mygraphicsurl));convertx3dom_item(); writeln(vrml97_fc2dp(3,"1",0,0,0,0,240,0,0,mygraphicsurl));convertx3dom_item(); writeln(vrml97_wc2dp(4,"1",0,0,0,0,240,0,0,mygraphicsurl));convertx3dom_item(); writeln(vrml97_wall(6,"1",0,0,0,0,240,0,0,mygraphicsurl));convertx3dom_item(); writeln(vrml97_floor(6,"1",0,0,0,0,240,0,0,mygraphicsurl));convertx3dom_item(); writeln(vrml97_footer("1"));convertx3dom_item(); convertx3dom_footer(); See VRML97 or X3DV converter readme.txt for more information ../vrml97/readme.txt