JavaScript runtime optimiser and DOM Store
xsrodomcs, jsrodomcs, jsrodomc, jsrodoms

-:- Feartures Include -:-

Catche method for programs
Native JavaScript support

-:- Introduction -:-

This is a simple formula that is used by a computer program instruction set to store instructions for another cycle. The base formula expressed as Identifier + delimiter + value + terminators which can be expanded to Store Identifier + Store delimiter + Store value + Store terminator + RESERVED + Store delimiter

If an Identifier is discovered by code manglers then the recorded value/s is recycled, or reprocessed as Identifiers can also process instruction sets.

-:- Update Notices -:-

v1.0 Inital Wilderness release notice

The Draft Specification

-:- Software -:-

jsappcatche.js - use example and help -

jsappcatche.js - source code -

jsappcatche-closure-min.js (optional) - minified source code -

-:- Other versions / add-ons -:-

jsappcatcheli.js add-on support for second store -

cppappcatche.cpp - cbproj source code port -

pasappcatche.pas - dproj source code port - (Not tested)

slnappcatche.sln - prysm source code port - (Not complete)

jsappcatche.inc.php - phprj source code wrapper -

-:- Requires -:-

jsappcatche.js is tested with GC, Ff+3, AS+4, and Ie+5 Web browsers with JavaScript enabled.

cppappcatche.cpp requires RAD Studio, C++ Builder.

pasappcatche.pas requires RAD Studio, Delphi.

slnappcatche.sln requires RAD Studio, Delphi Prysm.

jsappcatche.inc.php requires RAD Studio, PHP (RPCL).

Feedback welcomed

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