RAD C++Builder runtime optimiser and Control Store
cppsrodomcs, cpprodomcs, cpprodomc, cpprodoms, cpprocs, cbrocs
Other versions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @AUTHOR : Jason Robinson
* @TITLE : AppCatch
* @RELEASE : alpha
* @COPYRIGHT : (C)2010. All rights reserved.
* @LICENSE : http://www.KitchenPages.com/library/i3/license
* @TODO : bug fixing / testing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifndef cppappcatcheH
#define cppappcatcheH
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <Classes.hpp>
#include <Controls.hpp>
#include <StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <Forms.hpp>
#include <ComCtrls.hpp>
#include <AnsiStrings.hpp>
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------<author>Jason Robinson</author><version></version>
class Tappcatche : public TForm {
__published: // IDE-managed Components
/* @OBJECT : appcatche
* @RETURNS : Object
* @CLASS : appcatche
* General class name given to group functions, methods, events, and values of appcatche.js
/* Create RICHEDIT object to hold data
TRichEdit *appcatcheformta;
void __fastcall appcatche__createform_EVENT(TObject *Sender);
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.catchstore
* @VALUE : String
* Creates Sender value/s within store
void __fastcall appcatche__catchstore(AnsiString &appcatchelinestoStore,
TObject *Sender);
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.catchstoren
* Creates a new store for the Sender
* @SEE : appcatche.catchstore
void __fastcall appcatche__catchstoren(AnsiString &appcatchelinetoStore,
TObject *Sender);
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.catchstored
* Closes a new store for the Sender
void __fastcall appcatche__catchstored(TObject *Sender);
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.ifstr
* @VALUE : String
* @RETURNS : bool
* Searchs stores, and if found returns a value of true as bool to Sender
bool __fastcall appcatche__ifstr(AnsiString &appcatchelinetoFind,
TObject *Sender);
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.exestr
* @VALUE : String
* @RETURNS : String
* Searchs for store and returns matching value/s as String to Sender
AnsiString __fastcall appcatche__exestr(AnsiString &appcatchelinestoFind,
TObject *Sender);
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.clearstore
* Clears all identification and value/s within store
void __fastcall appcatche__clearstore(TObject *Sender);
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.usestore
* @VALUE : bool
* Set store mode to true or false for allowing this kind of mode change override; Store mode should always be set to true
* @VALUE : bool
* Set store funciton appcatche.ifstr return bool as override to always be true or false
* @SEE : appcatche.ifstr
void __fastcall appcatche__userstore(bool &appcatcheOnOff,
bool &appcatcheAutoIFset, TObject *Sender);
private: // User declarations
public: // User declarations
__fastcall Tappcatche(TComponent* Owner);
// bool appcatcheDebug;
bool appcatcheAuto;
bool appcatcheAutoIF;
/* @VALUE : appcatche.catchstr
* @TYPE : String
* store resource identification String
AnsiString appcatche__catchstr;
// Demo testing only
// AnsiString testvalue;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern PACKAGE Tappcatche *appcatche;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @AUTHOR : Jason Robinson
* @TITLE : AppCatch
* @RELEASE : alpha
* @COPYRIGHT : (C)2010. All rights reserved.
* @LICENSE : http://www.KitchenPages.com/library/i3/license
* @TODO : bug fixing / testing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "cppappcatche.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
Tappcatche *appcatche;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
__fastcall Tappcatche::Tappcatche(TComponent* Owner) : TForm(Owner) {
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
void __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__createform_EVENT(TObject *Sender) {
/* @NOTICE : this function was Tappcatche::form_oncreate(TObject *Sender)
* @VALUE : appcatche.catchstr
* @TYPE : String
* store resource identification String
appcatcheAuto = false;
appcatcheAutoIF = true;
appcatche__catchstr = ""; // this function can be skipped as the function Sender will set the value
// --------------pretend start of function
// perform demo one
// testvalue = "2010";
// --------------store starts
/* catche return starts */
// appcatche__catchstr = "appcatche__createform_EVENT(this)[kpdsquare]";
// if(appcatche__ifstr(appcatche__catchstr,this)==false){appcatche__catchstoren(AnsiString(appcatche__catchstr),this);
/* catche return ends */
// --------------store line
/* catche return starts */
// appcatche__catchstore(AnsiString("testvalue = \"" + testvalue + "\";"),this);
/* catche return ends */
// --------------store ends
/* catche return starts */
// appcatche__catchstored(this); }else{ appcatche__exestr(appcatche__catchstr,this);
// }/*catche return ends*/
// --------------end of function
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.catchstore
* @VALUE : String
* Creates Sender value/s within store
void __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__catchstore(AnsiString &appcatchelinestoStore, TObject *Sender) {
appcatcheformta->Lines->Text = appcatcheformta->Lines->Text +
appcatchelinestoStore + "";
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.catchstoren
* Creates a new store for the Sender
* @SEE : appcatche.catchstore
* @REQUIRES : AnsiStrings.hpp
void __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__catchstoren(AnsiString &appcatchelinetoStore, TObject *Sender) {
AnsiReplaceText("\r", PChar(WideString(appcatchelinetoStore)),
AnsiReplaceText("\n", PChar(WideString(appcatchelinetoStore)),
appcatcheformta->Lines->Text = appcatcheformta->Lines->Text +
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.catchstored
* Closes a new store for the Sender
void __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__catchstored(TObject *Sender) {
appcatcheformta->Lines->Text = Trim(appcatcheformta->Lines->Text)
+ "---appcatched---\r\n";
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.ifstr
* @VALUE : String
* @RETURNS : bool
* Searchs stores, and if found returns a value of true as bool to Sender
* @REQUIRES : AnsiStrings.hpp
bool __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__ifstr(AnsiString &appcatchelinetoFind, TObject *Sender) {
bool appcatcheStatus = false;
if (appcatcheAuto == true) {
appcatcheStatus = appcatcheAutoIF;
else {
if (appcatcheformta->Lines->IndexOf
(PChar(WideString(appcatchelinetoFind))) != -1) {
appcatcheStatus = true;
return appcatcheStatus;
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.exestr
* @VALUE : String
* @RETURNS : String
* Searchs for store and returns matching value/s as String to Sender
* @REQUIRES : AnsiStrings.hpp
AnsiString __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__exestr(AnsiString &appcatchelinestoFind, TObject *Sender) {
AnsiString appcatcheESTR = appcatcheformta->Lines->Text;
int foundatESTR = appcatcheESTR.AnsiPos
(appcatchelinestoFind + AnsiString("\r\n")) + appcatchelinestoFind.Length
appcatcheESTR = Trim(appcatcheESTR.SubString(foundatESTR,
appcatcheESTR = Trim(appcatcheESTR.SubString(0,
- 1));
return appcatcheESTR;
/* FUNCTION : appcatche.clearstore
* Clears all identification and value/s within store
void __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__clearstore(TObject *Sender) {
appcatche__catchstr = "";
appcatcheformta->Lines->Text = "";
/* @FUNCTION : appcatche.usestore
* @VALUE : bool
* Set store mode to true or false for allowing this kind of mode change override; Store mode should always be set to true
* @VALUE : bool
* Set store funciton appcatche.ifstr return bool as override to always be true or false
* @SEE : appcatche.ifstr
void __fastcall Tappcatche::appcatche__userstore(bool &appcatcheOnOff, bool &appcatcheAutoIFset, TObject *Sender) {
appcatcheAuto = appcatcheOnOff;
appcatcheAutoIF = appcatcheAutoIFset;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The final function command to reload saved data should be re-directed though a processor; as example:-
myfunctionprocessor( AnsiString( appcatche__exestr(appcatche__catchstr,this) ), this);
Within your myfunctionprocessor function make new code to :- (1) find a known function/s name from the store value, (2) get the function/s args from the store value, (3) execute C++ call/s, (4) repeat until end of stored value
Static, inline run by exact command, example :- myfunctionprocessor (AnsiString &storevalue, TObject *Sender) {
if (storevalue.AnsiPos("Button->Caption = myvalue;")) != -1) {
Button->Caption = myvalue;
if (storevalue.AnsiPos("Button->Caption = someothervalue;")) != -1) {
Button->Caption = someothervalue;