

Help and information

RSS, Really Simple Syndication:

RSS files are created for XML compatable readers and are used to store lists, search results, user data, and news related items. XML can be dynamicly feed into web pages or translated into other formats for Syndication services. The KPRSS system translates RSS files into web browser compatable HTML files for viewing. The system is pre-configured but allows for user editing.

RSS feed files are stored on a server or other remote media for syndication uses.

KPRSS files are created on a users local media for translation into a native HTML browser readable format from syndicated RSS feed.


Download and install the KPRSS Win32 Application here, KPRSSget KPRSS here.

There are 2 methods of adding content, the first; manual editions, and secondly a zip compressed download of a contents list from a specified site.

Example1 of \news\ Links for KPRSS users:


Preview images, and output examples for non-KPRSS users:

HTML output - Example 1 of \news\KPRSS2HTM.htm

HTML output - Example 2 of \help\kprss\KPRSS2HTM.htm

HTML output - Example 3 of \library\KitCAD report

Advanced users and WebMasters Links:

A description of KPRSS conversion is located at draft-kprss1-2004.txt

Add dialog, webmasters, and extra information - No advanced editing information is provided for this application. For more general information, and advanced uses - See news related feed from Kitchen Pages.
NOTE: The default HTML output of KPRSS2HTM requires a tidy before publishing.


Supports On and Off-line XML\RSS feed:

Download XML\RSS from the web or other stored media.
To run from other media enter the filename in setup.exe, then de-select the checkbox before saving and updating.

Supports KitCAD2 XML\RSS feed:

Convert KP2 XML\RSS into HTML files ready for reports, quotes, and much more.
Download the KITCAD2/XML/RSSKitCAD2/KPRSS converter or find out more information about KP2 conversion formats.

Compressed Zip Installer files:

Main setup program Download size, 1.89 Megabytes; 10min 56kb.
Files included in web links are only a few kilobytes in size; -1min 56kb.

Help about, 1; Compressed Zip Downloads, zip compressed installers.
Select the Install option to run the setup.exe program from within compressed zip archive.

For Added security security, all users should always check downloaded content with the use of MD5 and virus scanners.

Browser and other Warning Dialogs:

Help about, KPRSS setup.exe, setup.inf, Can Not Open File Dialog.
If prompted, when pressing the update button within setup.exe as discribed above; Cycle through the current listings while pressing the SAVE button, and then press update.

Help about, 2n; IExplorer, web browser security warning dialogs.
If prompted, while opening KPRSS files as discribed above; Select to OPEN FROM LOCATION, make sure to deselect the ASK AGAIN checkbox, and then press OK.

Help about, KPRSS setup.exe, kprss2htm.exe, kprss2html.exe, Program File Not Located Dialog.
If prompted, when using Right Click Context popup menu for file location as described; Click Locate, and navigate to C:\Program Files\Kitchen\RSS\, press OK twice .

Win32 Uninstall supported:

KPRSS supports the Win32 control panel add/remove option
Use the control panel and add/remove programs, select KPRSS version 1.0 and Follow the prompts.


KPRSS (tm) - (C)Copyright 2004. By Kitchen Pages, computer software

If you like KPRSS,
help support this software program, and please rate it! @

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Valid HTML 4.0! this web page complies with 508 standards - Cynthia Tested!

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