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Drawing Help and Basic Information about the use of the KitCAD2.exe
KitCAD 2 has a new header dialog like below, with new functions.
These are discribed below in more detail:
Click here to view Image.
Screen Description:
(A) - Component Object Manager or current drawing contents of a KP2 file.
(B) - Library System or DAT file load system.
(C) - Drag points for movable Header Bar to any location on form.
(PLAN) - Drawing Interface, viewed from above, and named Plan View.
(EDIT) - Object Editor for Selected Object (A).
(OBJECT) - Drawing Interface, with options of other view types using the 3D Status option.
Header Button Descriptions: from left to right, and down, etc.
Edit - Shows the Object Editor (EDIT) for Selected Component Object (A).
New - (now hidden behind Clear) Creates a Blank Object or Objects (new Component/s), or Import data, and shows on (A).
Delete - Removes the Selected Component Object (A) from the Plan View (PLAN) and (A).
Draw - Draw the Selected Library Object (B) onto the Plan View (PLAN) and show on (A).
Render - 2D or 3D rendering of the current open file, Save new or changed file before rendering.
Save - Save the Plan View (PLAN) and Component Objects (A) into a KP2 File type.
Clear - Removes the last added Component Object (A) or (B) from the Plan View (PLAN) and (A).
Open - Opens KP2 File types, allows users to add KPD/DAT files to the Plan View (PLAN) and (A).
Print - Starts the Printer Setup dialog, and then prints to the default printer.
View - Shows the Rendering Dialog for the Selected Component Object (A) - REMOVED.
Object Editor Dialog:
Click here to view Image.
Object Editor Description:
AKGraphicControl - Shows the friendly name of each Component Object (A) or (B).
FileName - UNC/URI path file name of the Selected Component Object (A) or (B).
Rotation - Component Objects' KP2 rotation of 0 to 628. *See Below.
FromTop - Pixels from top of form to show Component.
FromLeft - Pixels from left of form to show Component.
3D Status - Default is 1, 0=Plan, 1=Line, 2=Block, 3=Bmp, 4=Gui.
Repeat Cut - Default is 1, amount of times or runs for each part in cutting lists.
Run Ruler - Runs the rule in the drop-down list with the current FileName, press a few times to update!
BC2di - Shows rule in the drop-down list (make sure its the same as your FileName)
Run Command - A greyed text dialog showing the command line run.
Blank Object - File Contents Information and Descriptions.
Height - Volume Height of Component Object, in metric. Ruler.exe will NOT run if this value is 0
HeightFrom - Volume Height From RL or 0 of Component Object, in metric.
Depth - Volume depth of Component Object, in metric. **See Below.
Width - Volume width of Component Object, in metric. **See Below.
By default KitCAD2.exe uses a DAT file extension for filename. Users must alter this to a KPD file extension to allow Texture Rendering.
The (OBJECT) is drawn to a scale of aprox 1 meter to 1 inch on screen.
* from above, A small button is located next to the Rotation Text that can be used to convert from 0-360 Degrees
by entering 90 and pressing the button converts the 90 Degrees into a number like 159. (close to 90Deg)
** To correct placement problems with rotation users may need to exchange these values. The values entered here
help KitCAD2 located KPD files onto the plan view, and this includes a basic display size which may be altered or
stored. Simply exchange values or enter new values and press the ok button to update. 600 is the default value
for depth; as width and depth may differ depending on KPD loadin for original values.
The maths will change depending on hardware and screen pixel sizes, and distorted lines are produced; correct by
adjusting the number to suit your location and hardware..
Render Dialog:
Click here to view Image.
Render Dialog Description:
3D Status - Default is 1, 0=Plan, 1=Line, 2=Block, 3=Bmp, 4=Gui.
Print - Prints displayed windowed area to printer device.
GL Render - Starts the KP2glu32.exe application for OpenGL for solid colour 3D Rendering.
More Advanced rendering options may be selected via the Plan-View of KitCAD2.exe, for more information please see Other Supported Rendering Formats.
NOTE : The Plan View must be saved and re-opened before any plan render.
Cutup.exe Notice :
It is recomended that users copy the machine subdirectory at c:\program files\kitchen\kitcad\
to another one like copy of machine, etc.
To Run Cutup.exe correctly you must save the KPD/KP2 file in the machine subdirectory above, or another of choice..
KitCAD2 Ruler.exe Notice :
Sizes used in KitCAD are millimeters (metric). Whole volume size are used by KitCAD2 stored files within a drop down list of simple names.
The dropdown list is described at Screen Description (B) above. The list contains object files simmilar to the following:
CNRbc2di is a base corner cabinet and has a volume size of 1000w x 600d x 903h in 2 directions at 90 degrees and is 0mm from the ground.
bc2di is a base cabinet and has a volume size of 1000w x 600d x 903h and is 0mm from the ground.
wc2dp is a wall unit cupboard and has a volume size of 1000w x 300d x 2250h and 1500mm from the ground. The result is a 750mm high wall cabinet, 1500mm from the ground. A wall cabinet volume also accounts for its total height, and not the actual cabinet.
fc2dp is a full pantree style cabinet and has a volume size of 1000w x 600d x 2400 and 0mm from the ground.
The sizes shown in KitCAD2 reflect an overall style of size, and is in no relation to the actual object sizes drawn on screen.
The default overall depth of benchtop style is 600mm for these examples. A wc2dp above will show an overall depth of 300mm.
A base cabinet would be a volume size of 1000 wide, by 600 in depth, and 903 overall in height. To align the wc2dp cabinet
above the bc2di the depth and width values needs to be matching or close.
Price and overall sizes are not managed by KitCAD - A wc2dp is a wc2dp so price and construction can be based upon
just that single cabinet. Other 'friendly names' are advised for other wall cabinets of various sizes - perhaps
as a range or style.
For more information see the Object Editor above, and the Library index. By default
the most updated versions of the library is installed. Updates are provided for returning users of previous downloads.
Notice for All KitCAD2.exe software application Users:
More Information can be found in the Bug List and Work-arounds.
Program information can be found at the following
1999-2004, all rights
Updated on the 04th of December,