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Help and Information about the KitCAD2.exe program.
KitCAD2.exe 1.1 3.4 (multi Language),,
Beta Update.
KitCAD2.exe is the Next Version of KitCAD that attempts to
respond to users requests. The file bar is movable to any
location on the drawing screen. Supports KP2, KPD, and DBF file
types. Still under development within KitCAD 2.27 v5.
KitCAD2.exe supports multi language
use and the interface can be better configured to suit a users needs.
KitCAD2 is aimed towards designs of plans rather then the actual
Objects upon each plan. Some KitCAD1 Standards are not supported.
Instructions and Information for use of the drawing form part of this software is located at the following
The KitCAD 2 client relies upon the Windows subsystem for all
Screen related functions, database management, and file catche.
KitCAD 2 is based upon KitCAD 1.19 and will be fully GNU upon
being in a stable state for release in its own install package.
Some other parts of KitCAD are not GNU
as they were written by others, like buttons, etc..
The data used in KitCAD 1.19 has been included in a windows subsystem component called KPGraphicControl, or KP.Bpl found in the windows subdirectory using the VCL 4.0 language as a base. The advantage is Upgrades to this component provide a smaller file for updates to KitCAD users and clients. An Active X control has been deployed based upon the KP.Bpl control. A JavaScript version of KitCAD2 Kp.Bpl control has been deployed for testing with KitCADi3
The use of KitCAD 2 is only limited to the amount of memory a machine has. An Example of such is 233Mhz or 600Mhz Pc with Windows95 can create 100 x 255 new items in over 60 minutes, at about 1 second per object with 255 items. (most kitchens would be 20-30 objects with 10 items in each.) The same as loading 25.501/.200=0.425.000m/0.004.000m = 7Minutes/6Seconds (2 Seconds on PCI) to form buttons onto a KitCAD windows control component, its very fast - in english. The faster the computer, the faster KitCAD 2 and Windows GUI can manage the objects displayed. The times depend on the amount of errors and size of objects in regards to the amount of items found in each object.
The standard of keeping all files in a user readable format
as Ascii Text continue in KitCAD 2. This standard keeps the
KitCAD programs user configuration files and drawings in a user
readable form.
The KitCAD 1.x rendering system
was developed only for the XYZ angles above with rotation
around RL to 90Dec.
A benfit of the KitCAD 1.x rendering system is being able to
easily place and locate objects within other display on systems.
KitCAD 1.x only supports 4 sided object in rotation through XY -
(90Deg only) support elevations in ZY or ZX.
KitCAD 1.x does support 32x32 graphic mapping as textures.
The system is devided into seperate programs that can be used to perform seperate functions on indvidual component Controls or as a group.
This program supports DCom with the use of command line parameters.
KitCAD2.exe FileName /b /q
Switch order:
FileName- Existing *.KP2 File type to Open.
/b - System Beep for testing connections.
/q - Quit Render (quits first, used for debug)
Updated on the 30th of October, 2006.