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KitCAD 2 Help
Help and Information about the Kpu.exe
program or web page updates to KitCAD 2.
Kpu.exe 1.26 (multi language), 1.25, 1.23, 1.0.
Kpu.exe can check for Updates to the KitCAD
Install files as needed. The dialog also helps configure
networks for Internet connection by displaying a status window
with either of 3 messages.
Kpu.exe does not start automatically as its anoying to be
prompted for updates with no access, and other reasons.
With all 2007 and inital 2010 releases of KitCAD; All End-Users are required to recheck the KitCAD and Kitchen Pages web sites for major updates to the free software downloads
Kpup.exe is a second program started from Kpu.exe to allow Advanced users
an extra choice of selecting and downloading various KitCAD Plug-In downloads and Add-Ons.
Kpue.exe is started from Kpup.exe for Advanced users to make changes to
various KitCAD system text files.
Beta or No Updates Needed
The Kpu.exe Client displays
the following message:
No Update Needed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 04:42:28 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) FrontPage/
Last-Modified: Tue, 27 May 2003 03:10:34 GMT
ETag: "185d28-d4-3ed2d72a"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 212
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain
A Short description of these
messages are as follows, First is names of files updated
, and the Second is when updates were uploaded or
when version information was changed on the web.
Upgrade has been found and is Needed
The Kpu.exe Client
displays a dialog stating 'Update Located'; Pressing the OK button
will open a browser to the updated file, and close the Kpu.exe program.
A Dialog
will be started if not already running and the download will be
Close all of the KitCAD applications and Install the update when the
download completes.
KitCAD2 and KitCAD1.19 also includes a Web Page check
to see what is new and check the state of any current KitCAD
Nothing happens, error, or A Dialog is Shown..
Dialog with Host Timed Out Message or No
Kpu.exe Client displays the following message on a
Time Out Error.
Kpu.exe Client also displays the following message some proxy
served computers.
There is no fix but I suggest looking at the other text if
provided, and ask your network administrator for assistance.
Dialog with Null Remote Access is shown while connecting via LocalHost or Proxy.
Update the Proxy Host or target Host IP, and the Proxy Port text dialogs in KPU as needed. And retry.
Other errors are possible but these kind relate to the actual processing of data
between two comunication points:
GET = "Get Failed"; relates to web server HTTP GET failure
The GET command downloads the contents of a file on web site into a specified
localy hosted application control - which can be saved for later use (catche).
HEAD = "Head Failed"; relates to a web server HTTP1/1.1 HEAD failure
The HEAD command allows server and client to exchange basic infomation about
the file type and how the server and client can comunicate with each other.
The following HTTP commands are NOT supported by Kpu.exe:
Check for updates via a web page..
A updates web page is located at
for users and administrators to check for pending betas or updates.
These updates include fixes and additional programming not in the Stable releases of KitCAD.
These updates may not be stable or function correctly.
The Kpup.exe Client displays
the following message/s on selecting the http://www.kitchenpages.com/KitCAD2F.zip
file from the drop down bar:
KitCAD2 Full Installer Download
Double clicking on the text above will display the Add-On's web help in a Browser.
Right Clicking on either the Buttons, Text, and Status Bar will show various options which include
Help F1, ControlPanel DEL, Kpue.exe, and other things..
To use Kpup.exe select the STATUS button and note which files have not been downloaded.
Or press the Arrow Down key while the drop down bar is selected.
Files that are not downloaded as another addon or are not installed have no check in the two check boxes located above
the Status bar text of Kpup.exe. Simply press the DOWNLOAD-ADDON button to start the download process for the
selected URI in the file drop down bar.
The prefered 2010 method of allowing users to download other components and extra addons can now be managed though the KitCAD maintenance setup dialog window.
Multi Language Support
Kpu.exe and Kpup.exe supports multi language
use and the interface can be better configured to suit a users needs.
1999-2004, all rights
Updated on the 18th of October,