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Download files for the KitCAD
programs using Kpup.exe (multi language)

To check and download major updates use Kpu.exe for KitCAD2
Use Kpue.exe for
editing config files for KitCAD 1 and KitCAD 2.
Below shows the updated 2007 contents of
to allow users to download other components and extra addons using Kpup.exe
The prefered 2010 method of allowing users to download other components and extra addons can now be managed though the KitCAD maintenance setup dialog window.
NOTE : Not all the links above are the URI shown! EG; http://www.kitchenpages.com/KitCAD/free-download.html is the default for major downloads above.
Major file downloads can be found at: http://www.kitcad.com/
Addon default mirror for all files can be found using the following syntax of: http://www.KitchenPages.com/mirror/filename.zip, as above.
See Setup help for more information about extracting files and compression file managers.
See Kpu.exe help for more information about KitCAD2 download updates.
2004, 2005, 2006, and 2010. All rights
Updated on the 4th of February,