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usr_MKLIBSYS - User Created Library systems
wizard for KitCAD1/2 programs.
usr_mklibsys.exe = 
Use this wizard to create library systems for KitCAD1.1x. The
wizard will start with an inital welcome message, after which a
user continues by pressing Next.
This wizard is rather simple compaired to the ones above. The
only information required is a rule name to generate a library
system from; and a starting dimention.
Pressing the Go button starts the wizard program
processing a batch file. The wizard will create 10 options
based on width like, 1000...100, and then Finish.
A batch file is used again to perform the actual processing
commands via Ruler.exe like above.
Note : Some rules may take longer then others depending on
size. A user can edit the batch file at anytime and adjust
settings before deployment of a User Created Library
KitCAD2 library drop-down menus will not
be appended by this wizard.
All created Object\items are added only to the default
KitCAD1.x library system.
Also note that the rule used to create the Object\Item can not
be used to access the new items. Users need to copy the rules
for each file name they wish rules to work for.
c:\Progra~1\Kitchen\Objects\ = path to current file
name below of rule to run.
bc2di.kpr = file name of rule to run.
Go button = Runs the wizard and generates a batch file
which is in turn run.
Help button = advanced help and tips.
Close button = Exits Wizard.
c:\Progra~1\Kitchen\Objects\ = a file output path.
1000 = [WIDTH] of Object\Item for rule.
600 = [DEPTH] of Object\Item for rule.
903 = [HEIGHT] of Object\Item for rule.
0 = [HEIGHTFROM] of Object\Item for rule.
0 = ruler.exe parameter for advanced use, default is
c:\Progra~1\Kitchen\Objects\ = path to
start.exe /m /w Ruler.exe = MSDos command line to run
ruler.exe a win32 from the Dos batch file.
copy = MSDos system command for basic file copy
@echo off = first line of the created MSDos batch file,
updated after pressing the Go button above.
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2004, all rights
Updated on the 09th of August,